Season 2 Chapter 4

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Elizabeth POV

Today was Areum's birthday. My god, my daughter....she is growing so fast... *insert crying emoji *

Since it was her 16th birthday, Seunghyun and I decided to organize a party but only among our own group, ya know BIGBANG plus family...XD

Since it was still morning and the children were asleep, Seunghyun and I decided to do the groceries. (No need to say that I had to wake him up like a hundred times before he himself, wakes up). Sometimes I wonder myself If I'm married to a man OE a child!?! Who knows? A return back in time night have happened XD

After dressing up and eating breakfast, Seunghyun went to grab his keys in the room while I was covering the breakfast of the children. As much as I know the children, they are lazy so yeah...a hand before help.

On the way to the market, Seunghyun and I were doing a karaoke with the radio songs. Such a playful and bingu atmosphere... Just like him ^_^

Way to the market now...


Once returned from the market, we were both greeted by the two demons in the kitchen, having breakfast. I kissed them on the forehead and headed towards the bedroom where I changed into my casual homey clothes.

Seunghyun was surely, watching his films downstairs. Just like always!

Time flew by quickly... Prepare lunch for the kids to eat at school, drop them school and Seunghyun at his modeling session then return home to start preparing the food for tonight. Then one by one, invited BIGBANG and family for tonight. Afterwards I had to go to buy a gift for her which resulted a set of clothing at his uncle's shop, GD's Peaceminusone. Later on when i returned home, I quickly dropped everything and went to pick up the kids and dropped Areum at her tuition and Hwan at GD's house.

The preparation went by very fast but to be honest, it was difficult to be alone for that...

Around 5pm, all the preparation was over. The house was fully decorated beautifully and the food was all set. Since everything was set, I went to pick up Seunghyun and Hwan. GD said he would pick up Areum at last which I agreed. It would give us time for any additional stuff.


- "HAPPY BIRTHDAY AREUM!!!" we all screamed together when Areum entered in.

She was speechless, all these decorations, persons, food must have surely surprised her. I mean I would be too. It reminds me when I was 14 years old, my appa did....

Suddenly my attention got drawn by Seunghyun shaking me. He was asking me where were the matches. Lost a bit, I opened my closed fist and gave him the matches. He lit up the candles and the birthday song started.

Everyone clapped while singing even were the children. She cut the cake and made each one eat a bit of it.

After the cake was cut, it was fully food time, everyone with their plates, loved the food and restored their empty plates. Such a delice to see that.

Last but not the least, dancing time. Luckily our salon was enough big for a mini discothèque so the music was full on with Seungri as the part DJ.

Everyone was dancing crazily...well At least it seemed like everyone. Parker and Areum were missing. Maybe they went into the back garden and sat by the fountain. I tugged Claire along with me as we were chatting. You know how besties are when together.

Once in the garden, we were both, was shocked to see......Parker and Areum holding. I know what you might be thinking. It's normal since they are friends but no, the chemistry between them was....being friendship. If you know what I mean.

- "Areum" I called for her loudly to see 2 terrified teenagers looking shocked at me.

Areum panicked and let go of his hand and advanced slowly towards me while trying to tell "It's not what you think mum! I can explain!!"

I stopped her from saying so and said "So what is it then??" with a stern face.

Part 2 coming up

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