Final Chapter of Season 1

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Elizabeth POV

Finally it's that time of the year which I've always waited for. Nah not Christmas, I'm talking about my marriage with the man I want to grow old with, the man who had always loved me without me even knowing it. He was always there for me yet I never thanked him. I was so blindly in love into his best friend who now I realized, would never be perfect for me. Is it too late to say i'm sorry now? Today I'm finally going to marry my 'oppa''s weird to call him that, I'm going to marry Seunghyun aka TOP from BIGBANG.

Since yesterday, I've been staying at Hyorin's place, Sol's girlfriend. Trust me when I say that Hyorin is amazing, she's definitely the perfect woman for Taeyang.

Since last night Hyorin have been literally getting myself ready for today's event. She's painted my nails, straightened my hair for facilitate the task for the next morning and we also had a little chat before going to sleep.

Anyways right now, I was super stressing out. Why? Because time
for the marriage was slowly getting closer but still the car didn't arrive. I was so scared. What if he doesn't come and what if I can't get marry to Seunghyun...

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by Hyorin saying "Come on El!!! Let's go!"

I blankly nodded and hurried behind her to the car to see that Daesung and Seungri dressed in their suits, were my drivers. When they saw me, Seungri immediately hurried and opened the door for me. The precise second I stepped in with Hyorin, the boys immediately started the engine and we drove to the avenue of the marriage.

When we arrived there, I was amazed by its simple beauty despite its hugeness. It was so pretty and chic like a dream marriage. When the car stopped, Sol rushed to my car and opened the door for me. Aww it was so cute when Hyorin and him made eye contact. He kissed her hand and smiled sweetly at her which she returned. Dang, how much I want them both to get married now!!

Sol escorted me till the closed front door where GD was straightening his clothes and his hairstyle. At his sight, I started chuckling.

- "You look awesome and very pretty in that wedding dress bestie!" Sol told me.

I smiled at him and said "Haha thank you Tae! It seems like you just sang one of your songs...thank you for always having been there for me " then I hugged him. He hugged me back before dropping me with GD who's gonna be my best man. When GD saw me, he smiled and held out his hands for me to take it which I did.

Just then, came the moment of my life!

The huge door of the hall opened and there revealed the entire population, waiting eager for the marriage. When GD and I started walking, the media started snapping photos one by one. At a certain moment, I was slowly starting to feel uncomfy but then GD squeezed my hands lightly and said "Don't feel troubled, you are perfect the way you are right! Hyung is lucky to have you"

I smiled genuinely and in no time, my hands were already intertwined with TOP. His crazy sweet smile never left his face since my arrival.


"Mr.Seunghyun Choi do you accept Miss Elizabeth Taylor as your wife for the end of your life in any of circumstances which life may struggle against??" The priest said.

- " I do" Seunghyun said which made his Groomsmaiden aka his bandmates to cheer up.

- " Miss Elizabeth Taylor do you accept Mr.Seunghyun Choi as your husband for the end of your life in any circumstances which life nay struggle against??" The priest said this time, to me.

I hesitated before giving my answer which left everyone to murmur things. Seunghyun clenched tightly on my hand and asked me "What happened Elizabeth?? You don't wanna get married with me now??" which left everyone gasping.

I panicked at first but then cracked a smile and hit him on the arm lightly. "Pabo of course not. I was playing around!!" I said which made everyone chuckling, even the priest and Seunghyun were smiling.

- "I do" I said to the priest who smiled and closed his book. "Shall we proceed to the exchange of rings now??" Said the priest. GD stepped forward for Seunghyun while Hyorin for me. Then we exchanged rings and got applauded warmly by the audience.

- " now the groom may kiss his bride and I officially name you husband and wife!!"

Without further do, Seunghyun pulled me close to him and kissed me for a few minutes yet full of  L O V E and again we were applauded warmly.

After the marriage was finally over, it was photo shooting time then you know, the moment where the bride got to throw her bouquet behind her well guess who got it?? YESSSS HYORIN!!!!!! I WAS CERTAIN NOW!!! HER AND TAEYANG WERE DEFINITELY GOING TO GET MARRIED NOW!!!!

Then we went to the boys' house where we six rest before the final party which started at 6 pm. Gotta rest :p


Once at the party, every guests from the marriage were here including the media. Hey talking about the media, Seunghyun and I had a 10 min interview with them. It was ok to be honest.

We even had a toss for us, the newlywed couple. Taeyang was seated beside TOP while Hyorin beside me. The food and the catering service were excellent. I even thanked GD for calling such amazing catering service since I was told he was the one to call upon the service.

And last but not the least the dancing floor. Seunghyun and I opened the dance floor by a slow dance which everyone was literally awwing then Taeyang and Hyorin joined us too.

Then it was opened publicly and guess who firstly entered in?! Yup, Seungri the crazy maknae started dancing crazily on the dance floor along with Daesung and very soon GD joined in too. So much trouble!? ^_^

Around 10 pm like that the party was over and it was time for us, Seunghyun and I to get abroad on our private jet to go on our honeymoon. Taeyang, GD, Daesung, Seungri and Hyorin went to the airport to drop us.

Once at the airport, we immediately checked in and soon it was time to go. We both hugged everyone and even had a group hug but when it was time for me to hug GD, he pulled in Seunghyun and hugged us both and said "Hyung if you hurt her or make her cry, I'll take her away from you!" Then he winked which made us all cracked a laugh. Seunghyun smiled, pulled me by the waist and said 'Don't worry Jiyong you won't get the opportunity to snatch her away from me because I'll never hurt her or make her cry!' which made GD smiled wider and then he re-hugged us and that's then Seunghyun and I bid our goodbyes to our group.

Here Comes Another Chapter Of My Life

The Arranged Marriage [COMPLETED] ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora