Season 2 Chapter 1

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*15 years later*

Seunghyun POV

- "Eomma quickly!!! We need to go else I'll be late" Areum said, our 15 year old girl. Today she was going out with her friends so she asked Elizabeth to drop her off. 

- "Aigoo Areum we are going!! Stop rushing me or else I will fall!" Elizabeth said/scolded to Aruem who was dragging her outside which made me laughed.

Suddenly something or rather someone moved on my hand. It was our 10 years old boy, Hwan who fell asleep on me while watching Star Wars Rogue I. 

So yeah welcome to my family, The Choi Family.

After our marriage like 6-7 months later, Elizabeth got pregnant and later on, gave birth to Areum and later on, she gave birth to Hwan. No need to tell you that these two days were the second and third best days of my life respectively. Of course my marriage comes first! xD

Well speaking about us, my career as singer is over but I'm still a model though so is Elizabeth. Because of me, she also joined the modeling sector along with her job as  fashion designer. She is a very famous designer now and even works together with GD from time to time to promote 'Peaceminusone'

Without much realizing, I just quickly felt a Peck on my lips which snapped me out of my thoughts to see Elizabeth smiling at me and said "Bye love and take care of Hwan". I nodded before waving at Areum and Elizabeth.

Hwan who was still sleeping in my arms, kept moving up and down, tickling me slightly. Suddenly my phone rang and when I picked it up, it was Taeyang. I smiled, tightened my grip on Hwan and answered it.

- Hey bro...yeah i'm alone right now with Hwan...Tonight?!...Yeah I guess so....Tonight then...bye

Well well it seemed like tonight it's a guys' out.

Afterwards I continued watching TV until I fell asleep without even noticing.

When I re-woke up, I was sleeping peacefully on the couch with Hwan in my embrace, Elizabeth and Areum sleeping in the opposite direction on a couch. After squeezing my eyes several times, I opened my eyes widely and checked the time to see that it was 18 30. Oh shit I need to go. Slowly and silently, I stood up and went to get dressed into some casual clothes.

Before going, I woke up Elizabeth to inform her about my absence. She nodded, told me to bring her Hwan, held him and got back to sleep.

On my way I was listening to our band's old songs.

Once at the bar, I entered in and joined the guys at a cornered table. Dang they didn't change since the last time I saw them. We did our bro-shake and I settled down before starting the real business.

After a long night of drinking, I returned home drunk and immediately went to sleep, No seeing Hwan, No seeing Areum, No seeing Elizabeth, only sleeping....

Though, it was nice catching up on each other's lives. How we are behaving as fathers xD

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