Chapter 5:

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Alexia's picture is above. 

6 years ago:

Entering the school doors is maybe the worst and most difficult part of my day. Fixing my braids is my way of trying to look busy and stop people of staring since I didn't have a phone to play around with. 

My attempts failed since I could hear the familiar footsteps behind me. 

''Girliee??''. I could recognize that voice from thousands of miles away. Lily. She lightly but  sarcastically tapped on my shoulder, the giggles coming from her friends not passing without being ignored by me.

I turned around, fixing my backpack trying once again to avoid the awkward moment.

''Hey Lily.'', I mumbled and looked down. I wasn't a reach or smart kid and student. I was average, maybe a little bit lower than that. No friends, no yummy lunch, no fancy clothes. Plus I could be considered as a nerd since I was 12 and still braided my hair and wore dungarees with watermelon t-shirts. The bell rang 3-5 minutes ago so it was just us in the hallway. 

''Ew you wear braces, you're disgusting ? Don't you see that you make our school look poor and just low level?'', she annoyingly said clearly trying to hurt me.

I never knew how to answer to this kind of things so instead I tried to get away from their little bullying circle and get to class, failing miserably since their trap was strong. This move seemed to anger all the girls which proceeded to their main,usual act which was beating me up. After a good 10 minutes of kicking me in the stomach with their fashionable heels, pulling my hair and trying to rip my backpack and clothes, they left me groaning on the floor, tears streaming down my face.

I successfully crawled to the bathroom and opened the door, being used to this kind of pain. I cleaned my wounds looked at my cuts from the night before, picked myself up and continued my day.


"Pretty woman, walkin' down the street

Pretty woman the kind I like to meet
Pretty woman I don't believe you, you're not the truth
No one could look as good as you, mercyPretty woman won't you pardon me
Pretty woman I couldn't help but see
Pretty woman that you look lovely as can be

Are you lonely just like me"

My not quite calm singing and clothing picking prevented me from noticing the ginger-haired stunning beauty that entered the apartment. In just my pink stripped underwear I kept swaying my hips to the rhythm and daydreaming of being Julia Roberts, which is considerably difficult taking into account my current attire. As I turned my head sharply to the door, shocked to see the feminine still figure standing by the door I lost my balance and fell inside the open wardrobe with a loud thud.

"Ow!", I whined. I heard rushed footsteps,and the girl appeared kneeling in front of me, worried.

"Hey, hey, are you hurt?", She placed her hand on my knee trying to soothe the pain that she assumed that was there since my hands were rubbing the knee. 

She helped me stand up. Great! What a great first impression you made Polina. 

"I'm Alexia.", she introduced herself while sticking her hand out for a handshake.

"Polina, nice to meet you!... Sorry for the mess, I promise it's not always like that", I motioned with my hands to the floor which was covered in my clothing. I certainly didn't want her to think that I am a dirty gal... I mean I am messy... very messy but I am not dirty. To you all thinking that there's not a difference between those two, I assure you that there is, and it's a big one.

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