Chapter 6:

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To those very few people reading my story, I really apologize for not updating for so long. I had to study a lot because of my exams, and that didn't leave me relax and think about what I was going to write next. Feel free to send me feedback on what you'd like to see happen next with Derek, Alexia, Ivan and Polina.

Continuation of the party scene:

"Lex, I know what I am doing... I swear I do, it's just that I am more, relaxed,no- confident... yeah that's the word.". It it weren't for our nice clothes this scene resembled a situation of a mother lecturing her daughter about how she didn't study well enough for her school test. Lex was holding me captive in the corner where surprisingly was not so crowded.

"You know what... It's disturbing that you can only feel confident when you're drunk.", she said and pulled me back to were Ivan was.

Ivan noticed us coming and stopped his conversation with the guy preparing our drinks.

"Girls, you okay? Polina?"

I didn't have time to answer because Lex answered for me.

"Obviously not."

As I was slowly returning to my light, and fun mood I whined.

"Ivaaaan, you shouldn't have dragged me off that table, I loved it.", I said throwing my head back.

"I wouldn't if it wasn't for his request.", I didn't quite understand what he wanted to say but as all three of us turned to the direction Ivan was looking we starred into dark unmoving eyes.

Derek's eyes.

The next morning:

Ring! Ring!

"Ouuff", I mumbled.

"Oh shit, oh shit!". Jumping from the bed I stood up looking for my phone.

"Girl, what's up with you", Lex said, with a morning voice. "I am late for my lecture, I am so late", I quickly told her while putting my blue jeans on. Glancing into the side mirror, my hair looked a mess. An actual, complete mess.

"Polina, relax, it's 4 pm, your lecture ended 5 hours ago", she informed me as she was now supporting her self on her elbow.

"But I heard my alarm...Oh, it was Ivan. He's probably calling to check up on us.''. I feel so sorry for him, having to take us back to our room and worrying all day. I might as well go see him in the bar, and breath in some fresh air on the way.

Throwing on a jumper dress, some black tights, and my favourite white beanie I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the apartment.

By the time I reached Ivan's bar it was 10 pm. My change of plans caused me to arrive late. Blame it for my addiction to classic books, raspberries and some good caramel latte. To say that I was underdressed for this time out in a bar was an understatement. I definitely look like a grandma among all those 20-year-olds looking fancy as hell.

Surprisingly when I entered there were only a few people in the corner and the music was playing low for once. I rushed to the bar where Ivan was looking concentrated on making a drink. I love the fact that he is so into his job. I wish I loved something as much as he loves his bar. I probably do. I love me some good junk food.

Polina focus.

Not wanting to catch the attention of the cool looking group of people standing besides the counter I waited for Ivan to see me.

Eventually he noticed me and waved at me.

"Polina, how are you? I was so anxious, thought you spend your whole night close to the toilet throwing up.". Hearing that made me scrunch my nose.

"No, that didn't happen." I wanted to continue telling him what happened today and how I missed my lecture but two gorgeous endless pair of legs confidently passed me and stood in front of the bar making me lose sight of Ivan. Thankfully I could still hear him, otherwise I would have to leave again and he would freak out.

"At what time is he coming?", the brunette one asked.

"He will be here any second. He wouldn't miss this date, would he?", they both started chuckling.

"Girls, are you waiting for Derek?", Ivan asked him.

Anger boiled inside of me upon hearing his name.

"Ivan, can you for 24 hours, at least not say his name in front of me? I am tired of listening about that jerk, who thinks that with his bad boy attitude can win anything. That stupid little..-"

I didn't have time to finish my sentence when I heard a voice boom from behind me.

"Well, sweetie I would have let you finish but I think it would not benefit neither of us, now would it?" His voice made me freeze and stop my rumbling. The only thing moving on my body was my eyes that looked up and searched for Ivan who stopped drying the glass he was holding. The two goddesses had their attention also focused on us.

Okay, I can either talk to him like the lost puppy that I already am or I can show him who is the boss, that I am not scared of him that I am for once in my life strong. If someone asked me why do I want to prove that to him, out of all people I don't think I would be able to answer I just know that, that's what I wanted to do, and I was going to do it. I am tired of failing at everything I do.

"Do you have a problem?", I answered him, keeping my fists balled at my sides. When I turned to look at him I could feel the determination I had 5 seconds ago fade but I tried to hold on to how much was left.

He wasn't expecting this, and narrowed his eyes as if asking both of us what I just blurted. He folded his arms across his chest and smirked.

"Did you forget my name little one? Is that why you called me all those ..things?"

"No, I did because they are true.". His smirked disappeared in a second and he took a step closer making me intake a sharp breath.

"What is true? Huh, dare to repeat that.".

He knew what he was doing, and most importantly he knew why I was doing what I was doing. He knew that I wasn't doing this only for him, but for both of us.

"You...-", he motioned me to continue, "-are a stupid... jerk".

As the words came out of my mouth I could feel my face burning red and I tried to hide it behind my hair.

I was expecting him to look angry, furious, devilish but instead I could feel that he was ... proud?

"Oh, really? I dare to disagree. That's why you've just been hired."

"Huh?", I, the ''models'', and Ivan said.

"As my assistant. I need you tomorrow at 8 am at the gym to take care of my airplane tickets. Jonathan, my other assistant will help you do it. Don't think about being late.", he casually said and nodded to the girls to follow him outside, I followed them too like a lost puppy.

"Wait what? No! I have lectures, I don't even want to work for you, what are you..". My hands flying from one side of my head to the other made me look like a crazy person.

"Okay, I need you at the gym right after your stupid boring lecture."

By now we were outside. The girls were already waiting for him in the expensive thousand dollar car. Since when do they even make this cars?

''I don't think you understood-..", I ran after him. His abrupt turn made me stumble back.

"I understood. I told you right after the lecture at the gym. I don't like repeating my self."

I was hopeless, now there was no chance this monster would leave me alone. Did I really have to open my mouth. Why didn't I just shut up like I've been doing for the last 18 years of my life.

"By the way-", he once again caught my attention. The sleek electric blue door was open as he was ready to enter the car.

"-For future reference, it's Derek".

Getting in the car after showing again one of those sexy, no, annoying smirks of his, the car loudly roared to life and he sped away living me there wondering what the hell have I gotten myself into.

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