Chapter 3:

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Polina's POV:

The sound of small white stones, beneath our feet, from the parking was heard. We were in a dark field with lots of cars. The tall, skinny trees were moving from the intense wind, but the sound they were making was one of my favourite, so calming.

''C'mon P!'', Ivan gestured with his hands towards ... nothing?

''Come where Ivan? We are in an empty field filled with cars in a small forest.'', I whispered-shouted as I moved quicker towards him. He stayed silent and grabbed my hand. 

Suddenly two tattooed ,bulky men passed us and disappeared in the ground.

''Ivan..''. He turned his head with a questioning look on his face but I averted my eyes to the stairs, that because of the darkness were not noticeable before, below us leading us to some kind of basement. I could hear people's voices and as we passed I could see spilled drinks and cigarettes thrown on the stairs. Ivan managed to get us to the front, exactly behind the ring. For a second I was looking at my surroundings and didn't notice that Ivan bought some nuts and a drink. He placed them in my arms and said ''You are welcome''

But after a second he took the food back from my hands and look funny at me.

''Don't you think you are too young for alcohol?''

I look sternly at him and attempted to look angry which with my small height must have looked amusing and funny to him. I extended my hand and kept patting my foot as if telling him to give me back the food. 

His position switched to a very relaxed and confident one. He then returned the nuts to me. I kept staring at him though and kept my extended hand where it was. Ivan opened the beer took a big gulp and gave it back to me.

''Don't you think that we are not as close as you would like us to be in order to do that?'', I remarked. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and answered, ''Don't you think that we are not as close as you would like us to be in order to order me around?''.

I was going to answer to him but a man jumped on the ring took the microphone and started talking, after the lights focused on his figure. 

''Ladies and gentlemen, how is everyone's spirit tonight!!!-'', he loudly said and the crowd road and raised their drinks in the air.

''-Are you ready?! Let's present our strong and merciless fighters for tonight. Please everybody welcome 'Michael The Beast' the 2013 winning street boxing championship ''. Everyone screamed and a young man jumped on the ring taking off his orange robe. Michael was a blonde with a very sharp  jawline and thick brows. 

''And now I ask you to welcome and applaud for the absolute star of the last 2 street boxing championships, 'The Killer'''.

This time the cheering and screaming was as loud as a lion's roar. Old men were clicking their beers together and girls were adjusting their revealing clothing. The loud cheers and booming was followed by heavy, loud music and drums. 

The outline of the other boxer was what was causing the chaos.His figure appeared black due to the blinding light shining behind him. He started jogging towards the ring.

He was tall and muscular but I couldn't quite see his face, because it was covered by the hood of his red boxing robe. I turned my head towards Ivan to see his arms up in the air and shouting the word that everyone was simultaneously shouting too. The Killer.

''All right, all right! Your love is very much appreciated everybody! Now let the fun begin!'', the presenter boomed with the typical voice of a presenting trying to keep the crowd interested, even though it wasn't necessary right now. The adrenaline and excitement in the air was overpowering and surely noticeable by pretty much everyone. 

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