Six flags!

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Hello, luvs. How's your day going? Tell me inI the comments.

I'm on a bus to six flags for my eighth grade field trip right now and by the end of this chapter I'll be on my way back. I think it will be fun, I've only been there like twice.

But anyway there was something I forgot to tell you bout the dance. I asked the girl I had a crush on to dance. I've been thinking a lot about the dance. We'll call this crush, and best friend, Carly. I had a crush on her for a little while and I asked her out a while ago but she nicely turned me down, because she wasn't ready for a relationship. I had made a New Years to ask my crush to dance at the eighth grade dance and I didn't have a different crush so I asked her to dance and we slow danced, and I told her why I had interupted her dancing with her friend.

Anyway, back into the now, I'm going on a field trip. I'm sitting next to a guy that I've known for a while, we'll call him Julian. He's pretty cool. I used to have a crush on him. I don't think I'm into him anymore, though. He's nice, and easy to talk to, and he's really tall, he just talks a lot.

I'm pretty emotional about the end of the year. I feel like on the last day tommorrow my friends are all gonna cry. We're all like family and its amazingn't think anybody has the amazing family feeling that my friend group has. You know when you say "We'll be best friends forever." But you don't really know or you don't really mean it, because who could be friends forever? We'll grow old and then we won't know each other, but I can legitimately say that I think we'll all still be friends when we're in high school, collage, and in life. I know that sounds cheesy but its true. I've never found people I really like, that don't get annoying, that understand my awkwardness, and my introverted days.

Well enough about that stuff. I guess I didn't have as much to talk about as I thought. I might update later today on how the field trip went, though.

Anyway, I hope your having a nice day.
~Love, Elena

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