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That night I got a call from a unknown number. My number was used before me so I get random calls. Whenever there is a random number I answer it.

But this wasn't someone random person.



"Hey beautiful" the voice said

"Who is this?"


"How did you get my number?"

"I have my ways"

"You are sick" 

"Anyway now that I go to your new school we can get back together."

"Wait you go to my school?"

"Yea baby"

I hung up. 

He was going to my new school. My family and I moved because of him. I don't want to move again. 

I was sitting in the corner of my room crying, when my brother, Cody, came in. He was in seventh grade, but he always makes it his mission to make sure I was okay.

"Whats wrong?" he said sitting down next to me.

I knew I could tell him anything. 

"Do you promise you won't tell mom and dad?"

"Yea" he said worriedly


"What about him?" his jaw clenched and his hands turned into fists.

"He just transferred to my school" 

He looked at me for a moment and then left.


Today, when I walked into the school I prepared myself for another one of Ethans wonderful shoves, I feel a hand on my back. I close my eyes to brace for impact. It never comes I open my eyes to see someone that I didn't expect to see. Tristan.

I run as fast as I could away from him. I looked back to make sure he wasn't following me, and when I reassured myself.I turned around to... WHACK! I run into what I think is the wall, but when I look up it's the devil himself. ETHAN! Yay.'

"Dang your strong, you almost knocked me over," he said with a smirk "don't tell the guys."

I don't think I have had the pleasure to meet the guys." I say

"Well we can change that"

He leads me to the field where there are a couple guys passing the football around. When Ethan and I walk up they all stop and stare.

"This is Kylie, guys," Ethan introduces me "She wanted to meet her soon to be teammates."

I looked up at him and he just smiled

"What do you mean "new teammate" a guy with dark wavy hair and brown eyes said.

"She plays football" 

"Okay, but there is a girls team." a tall black guy with short dreads said

"Yes, but she is better than all of them." Ethan defends me

"Prove it" a brown skin guy with black hair says meanly.

Before Ethan could say anything I take the ball from a guy that is black with black hair says. I look at the kid with the dreads and said "go long"

He runs and I throw the ball through the air about twenty feet, and it gracefully falls into his arms. All the guys look at me stunned even Ethan.

As the kid runs back I say "nice catch..." realizing I don't know his name.

"Stazion" he says

Ethan snaps out of his trance and starts introducing the guys

"The one with dreads is Stazion"

"Yea already know that one" I said matter of factly.

"Oh ok, well the one with the smirk is the ladies man Jaden."

"Hey" Jaden says winking

I give a slight wave.

"The quirky looking one is Josiah"

"Hello" Josiah says in a funny low voice.

"And last, but definitely not least is Shane"

Shane just stared at me. 

"Can I help you?" I say in a little more harsh tone then I wanted.

"Woah calm down I am still stunned by the way you throw."

"Oh ok" I said with a smirk.

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