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Alright guys I hope you're all enjoying the story so far and I got a couple questions for you all.
First of all do you guys want me to write the story a little more like a script, like this
(Y/n): why am I back here?
Author: shut up I'm only using you as an example then I'll send you back in to the story.
(Y/n): what if I don't want to be apart of your little author reader question session?
Author: come on think of the views we'll get
(Y/n): fine but I'm not doing it for you I'm doing it for the readers
Well anyways if you all want me to write the characters speech like that but still narrate on what's happening or if you want me to keep doing it as is, comment on saying how you want me to write my chapters in future or any ideas on what you want to see happen!
Thanks and I'll see you all next chapter 😄

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