Chapter 2-journey to beacon

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Time skip:Seven years later
(Y/n) p.o.v
For the past 5 years qrow trained me in the woods by himself before leaving, I then trained myself day and night learning how to control my power. Being part grimm had it's benefits in combat meaning I had inhuman speed,strength and stamina.
That day was when I finally was able to enroll at beacon thanks to qrow, the only issue was getting their since I lived in the woods the only way of me getting to beacon was by walking. Luckily it wasn't too far from where I was staying before I left I packed a couple pairs of jeans and T-shirts along with some lein and my scroll that qrow gave me for my birthday last year even though I couldn't see why I needed one. So I set off wearing my favourite (f/c) shirt, blue jeans, black cloak and a mask with a grimm design on it that qrow also gave me before he left cv saying "it's important that you hide your identity when your not in beacon so always keep it on you" which I can't deny.

After a couple of hours walking I finally made it to vale , crash , I looked around to see what could of made that noise and by using my wolf ears and sense of smell I found out it was just around the corner in what appeared to be a dust shop. After I ran their I saw a little girl in a red hood holding a giant scythe facing off against a man with orange hair holding what appeared to be a cain , taking a closer look I saw that the cain was also a gun. I couldn't just sit and watch this happen so I drew my twin desert eagles and started firing at the man before he could shoot the little girl.(picture below if it wasn't obvious)

He quickly jumped back though then made his way onto the roof of the building leaving me and the little girl as I got closer to her she started to look more and more familiar 'is that ruby?' I thought getting closer

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He quickly jumped back though then made his way onto the roof of the building leaving me and the little girl as I got closer to her she started to look more and more familiar 'is that ruby?' I thought getting closer.
"Need some help?" I say walking up to her "I don't not want your help" "well okay then let's go get him" after that we jumped on the roof after him only to see him getting onto a bullhead "well it's been fun red and company but I gotta jet see you soon, or not" as he finishes me and Ruby start opening fire on the bullhead. Until a mysterious figure stepped out from inside the bullhead with a fireball in hand until she threw it at ruby, "Ruby look out!" I say pushing her out of the way taking the fireball to the chest sending me flying of the roof landing on the road below, loosing conciseness.

I woke up in a bed inside a small white room with a blinding light shining in my eyes "uuuuuugh" is all I could trying to get up whilst realising my chest was completely wrapped in bandages and I didn't have my mask on I panicked frantically looking around the room for it when I finally noticed the tall man sitting in the chair beside "ahhhhh".
"Sorry to startle you (y/n) but I wanted to be here when you woke up" "who are you and how do you know my name?"
"Please do try to calm down I am professor ozpin headmaster of beacon academy and a close friend of your parents, that's how I know your name." "Okay so I assume you know why I'm in vale then since just so happen to know everything else about me" I say sarcastically "your here for a place at my academy which I promised to your parents that I would give to you and so I will".
"That's nice, but what about Ruby, what happened to her?" I ask worry in my voice "hmm, miss rose after my assistant Glynda helped her in trying to apprehend the criminal known as Roman torchwick she came here with us and I offered her a place at my academy" "but isn't she 2 years younger than anyone else going to beacon?" I ask a little confused. "That may be true but I believe that her skills and dedication to being a huntress makes up for her age. I hope you don't mind me asking but do you two happen to know each other?" I was a little taken back by the question, "yeah we used to know each other when we were little but I'd much rather appreciate if you didn't tell her this".
"That's fine then since your already healed , tomorrow you'll be getting on a bullhead that will take you and the other students to beacon, so I advise you to get some rest in the meantime"

The next day
Still your p.o.v
I was on the bullhead sitting by a window admiring the view, there were a lot of people here so I just moved to a corner and sat down in order to stay away from the other students. Since I was going to be spending the next couple of years of my life with these people I wasn't wearing my mask, instead it was covering the side of my head leaving my face revealed. I was still wearing the same outfit I had on the other day minus the burnt T-shirt. "I can't believe my baby sister is going to beacon with me this is the best" I turn around to see a tall blonde girl giving a smaller hooded girl a bone crushing hug , she wore a pair of black shorts, yellow undershirt covered in a short sleeved brown jacket with a matching pair of combat boots, 'is that yang and Ruby?' I thought quickly looking over at them. "A...air" is all she said as the tall blond quickly let go "and please don't talk so loud I don't want anyone to think I'm special or anything" "but sis everyone at beacons gunna think you're the bees knees"
"But I don't wanna be the bees knees, I just wanna be a normal girl with normal knees" after that I stopped paying attention to them and focused on the giant hologram of Miss goodwitch. "Attention all students we will be landing at beacon soon and you will all be acquired to meet at the main hall for the entrance ceremony, that is all". Not long after that we landed at beacon and I was pushed out the way by a blonde boy making his way towards the nearby trash can "I guess the views not for everyone" I joke as I make my way to the main building until I hear a massive explosion, as I race towards it I find Ruby and another white haired girl lying in the middle of a crater 'I have a feeling that Ruby was responsible for this'

"You dunce do you have any idea what you've done" "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" I hear them argue as I walk over to them and offer to help them up , "thank you" said the white haired girl "yeah thanks...WAIT your that guy from the other night" Ruby screams in excitement "what gave it away" I ask sarcastically. "Hey how did you survive falling off that rooftop and do you go to school here?" She says even more excited than before " you mind telling me what's going on here and how do you two know each other?" She asks looking up at me obviously annoyed, "well we sorta met last night when there was a robbery at a dust shop" Ruby said a little scared "well ok then, I demand to know your name!" She says I don't say anything knowing it's best not I tell her my name. "I'm assuming you don't want to tell me" I nod yes "well then my name is wiess schnee heiress of the schnee dust company "the what?" , As a girl wearing a black bow comes walking towards us she answeres our question "the schnee dust company one of the largest producers of dust in the world."
"Thank you finally some recognition" "the same company known for its controversial labor forces and shady business partners" " dare-the nerve of uggggg" as she was trying to form a reply to this I could hear Ruby snickering in the background obviously enjoying the ice queens misery.

As the three were caught up in there own business I tried to sneak away "ohh no you don't" suddenly Weiss grabs onto my arm holding me in place, "your not going anywhere until you tell me..I mean us your name" "yeah" Ruby chirps I try to shake her off but it won't work "f...fine my names (y/n)" I say in a weak voice like I haven't spoken in years "now that wasn't so hard was it" Weiss says triumphantly as she walks off and I do the same.
Not long after I made my way to the main hall the speech ozpin was giving was boring so I just quietly sat down and fell asleep. When I woke up people were leaving the room and going into the hall around the corner where we will be sleeping and 'hopefully I won't run into anyone else that'll be too annoying' I thought as I set up my space in the corner of the boys side of of the large room, "(Y/N)" , 'or not'.
Alright there you go guys the next chapter of the beast within hope you enjoy cause it took me a while to do so I'll see you all in next chapter

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