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Somebody is gonna love all of me one day

I won't have to beg her

I won't have to chase her

I won't break my back making her

She'll realize my love births miracles in her

She'll know I see her as my God

I will worship her in the greatest way

I see her as a masterpiece, as my goddess

She will be my everything and I'll be hers

We will build together, conquer the world together

She'll believe I'm more than enough

She will wholeheartedly and effortlessly love me

She will wrap her arms around me and she will pray for me

She'll support me and motivate me

She'll never tell me my dreams are too big for reality

Somebody will love all of me, every heavy set part of me

She won't look at me with disgust but she'll love all of me especially the pieces I hate the most

She won't let me go

She'll make love to me in the purest way

She'll take me where I wanna go

I will never be too much for the woman that is just for me

I won't have to hold on for dear life

She will stand right beside me and god knows when that day comes

When that woman comes

I will thank him a billion times

Somebody is gonna love all of me one day

And every somebody that didn't will have prepared me for the one that will
She, she will

She'll love all of me for the rest of my days ...

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