It was rather foreign for Athos to over sleep or just lie in bed in the morning to do nothing, but he enjoyed the rare occasions he could. Also....he couldn't deny that he liked the feeling of D'artagnan sleeping next to him, the young man using him as his own personal pillow as his arm draped across his waist - the Gascony man was in such a vulnerable situation, yet he trusted Athos with his vulnerability. The older musketeer soon found himself self consciously combing his fingers through D'artagnan's soft, brown, shoulder length hair; he did so lightly as to not disturb the sleeping man. Just over an hour and a half passed before Athos felt his friend begin to stir - he instantly pulled his hand away. D'artagnan's eyes fluttered open as he seemed to realise his pillow didn't feel too normal; he looked up to come face to face with the man that took up near to all of his thoughts. He was honestly surprised he didn't freak out, as was Athos "em...morning" he greeted; the older man sent him a gentle smile "morning" D'artagnan sat up as he rubbed his eyes whilst his friend remained lay down - he looked around the room before asking where his sister was. The relaxed man explained "she promised to train the cadets today but wanted get grab some breakfast first" the big brother nodded, relieved that she was at the Garrison. He seemed to realise something "how long have you been awake??" he asked, making Athos think for a moment before stating "about an hour and a half I'd say" he estimated; D'artagnan was taken back by what he had said and it showed "really?? Why didn't you wake me and get up??" he asked in confusion. The older musketeer shrugged "you seemed peacefully asleep, didn't want to disturb you and if I tried to move, it would have done just that" the man saw the new musketeer look down in...shame?? He began to reassure his dear friend "relax, Treville won't care that I decided to have a lie in, it's one of those 'once every blue moon' type of things for me" he smiled "and besides, I didn't mind that much either...even if you were using me as a pillow" it seemed to work as D'artagnan couldn't hold back his chuckle "yeah, sorry about that, I em...must have done it in my sleep". Athos once again reassured him that it was fine, to which D'artagnan decided to add a joke "at least I had a good night sleep" they both laughed, though the man wasn't completely saying it for humour sake - he couldn't remember the last time he had experienced such an amazing sleep. They decided to get up and got ready - they took turns to wash up in the bathroom before getting dressed; they left the Inn as soon as they had their weapons and made their way towards the Garrison. As they passed the gates, the two saw the cadets training under the commands on Kayley whilst Aramis and Porthos were sat at the side watching, cleaning and sharpening their swords and daggers; the two late man joined the couple who greeted them. The teenager saw her brother and friend, rushed over to greeted them along with an embrace before hurrying back to the cadets; it seemed they were already dramatically improving with her help. A few more hours passed by before the cadet's training was called to an end before the four musketeers began their own - the fourteen year old took a break before joining them for two hours. As they cleaned up at around two O clock, Treville called for them to join him in his office where he explained a situation that they needed to take care of immediately "two maids have been found dead in the Palace ten minutes ago" their eyes widened momentarily "get to the Palace, protect the King and Queen and find this killer" he ordered; they all nodded before doing as told. They raced down to the stable and saddled up after grabbing some more ammunition from the weapons room; they jumped onto their horses back before galloping as fast as possible.

As soon as they reached the Palace, the stable boys took the horses as the musketeers and their young friend ran through the many hallways until they reached the throne room where they saw the royal couple waiting with many Palace guards. "Your majesties" they bowed respectively; both the King and Queen seemed relieved by the sight of the five friends. "Thank goodness you're here musketeers" Anne exclaimed before realising something "...and Kayley" she felt terrible for having to add the girl after the men, but she wasn't a musketeer....yet; the girl sent the woman a smile to reassure that she understood and that it was fine. The King repeated the news that Treville had shared with them, but he added that another maid had been found after they had sent for the messenger "another?! So that's three kills all together" Athos sighed; Louis spoke up once again "find who is doing this!! They must be stopped!!" he ordered earning five determined nods "they will your majesty". The group of friends turned to one another "some of us need to stay here with the King and Queen as protection whilst the other's search the Palace" Porthos stated, earning a multiple of agreements; his lover spoke "D'artagnan and I will stay here, you three go". There was no time to complain or protest - lives were at stake here; they parted ways with no words said other than "be careful". Athos, Porthos and Kayley left the throne room in a hurry "Porthos, you search the servants tunnels and the stables" Athos ordered "Kayley, you search the North wing and the East wing - that's the Queen's chambers" both nodded at the man's commands "I'll search the South wing and West wing, if you find nothing then start searing the gardens" the gardens were so large and maze like that it would take all three of them. Once they were easily in agreement, the three parted ways to search their assigned areas.

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