Chapter 2

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Doing one of the things that they do best, the three musketeers kept their two guests entertained whilst they ate; the two siblings instantly realised Aramis was the 'flirty gunman' whilst Porthos was the 'heavy handed cheerful man'. Athos seemed to be rather quiet, keeping himself to himself - the siblings didn't push as they didn't know him. "So what brought you both to Paris??" Athos surprisingly asked - it was the first thing he had said since he had greeted them; D'artagnan spoke up "well em...our father passed away a week ago" he explained "he always told us to come to Paris and find Treville if anything like this were to happen, so here we are". The more silent musketeer wished he hadn't spoken at all now "I'm sorry for your loss" the brother and sister both sent him a smile "thank you, at least the bandits didn't get away with it" this confused the three brothers-in-arms so Kayley stepped in. "Three bandits attacked papa, they say they were just wanting to mug him but papa fought back enough for them to they decided to shoot him"  the teenager paused as she signed "they were idiots though, some of the villagers witnessed the whole thing so as soon as D'artagnan and I found them, a trial wasn't needed and they were hung" her brother rubbed the girls shoulder as a way of soothing the grieving pain that she was hiding. That was...quite the story " least you got the justice you deserve" Porthos stated.

Opening the door once again, the musketeers Captain walked out and down the stairs before approaching his niece and nephew "out of everyone here, you have to talk with the three that cause the most trouble" he chuckled; the five smiled as Aramis sat back in his seat "what can I say?? It's a gift". This just made the siblings laugh more. Turning his attention to their visitors, Treville handed over a small bag of coins "here's the money for the Inn's rent, it should last you at least a month" he stated "and remember, you can come here for your food and can keep your horses in the stable, just make sure to keep it clean" he informed them; they immediately agreed of course "thank you Uncle Treville, I don't know what we would have done if it weren't for you". Kayley moved over to wrap her arms around the older man who happily welcomed the embrace, as well as returning it "like I said, it's only right I make sure you and your brother are okay" Treville smiled "your father would have done the same for me if I had any kids". Parting away from the girl, the Captain turned towards the musketeers "help these two settle in, escort them to the Bonacieux's Inn" he ordered "and show them around Paris as well, you have the rest of the day to do so" and with that, he left them to deal with his duties. Doing as they were told, the three musketeers grabbed their hats, attached their swords to their belts and returned their guns to their holsters which were also attached to their belts before leading the two guests out of the Garrison. First, they collected their horses from the public stables and rested them in the musketeers stable. As soon as that was completed, they began their travel through the town; Porthos decided they would take the long way so that they could go on a tour of the town. "This place is really amazing!!" Kayley exclaimed as he excitedly looked all around; Aramis chuckled as he walked next to her "indeed, but you should see it on a busy day".

Soon enough, the five arrived at the Inn Treville had mentioned. They entered the building before being greeted by a very beautiful woman "good afternoon gentlemen, what can I help you with??" she asked with a smile; the woman seemed to already know the musketeers. "A room please Constance, for our two friends here" Aramis requested; Constance looked behind the flirtatious man and noticed the two siblings "okay, if you'll follow me" they all did as told and were led down a hallway of doors; they reached the end where the Inn owner could be seen unlocking one of the doors before walking in. "Rent is thirty pence a week, do you know how long you'll be staying??" she asked; the two siblings shared a look, both silently asking the same question to the other - D'artagnan turned towards Constance "we're not too sure, a while is all I can say". Smiling, the woman nodded "that's fine, I'll give you both a key" she did just that "if you need anything, just let me know, my room is the first on on the left" and with that, she left the room after receiving two thank you's and five good byes. Looking around the room, there were two single beds, a small set of draws, a matching wardrobe, a mirror hung up on the wall, a few wooden chairs, a bucket in the corner and a window - not bad at all in the siblings opinions. The three musketeers sat down whilst their visitors unpacked their things; it didn't take long however as they only had one travel bag each - they weren't very large or full either. "Alright, what now??" Kayley asked as she threw her now empty bag under her bed; they all thought for a moment before Athos finally spoke up "how about we go to the tavern?? Show you two the best drinking place in all of Paris??" he suggested. His two friends instantly agreed of course; the brother and sister shrugged, happy to go along. Once the door was locked up, the five companions left the Inn - Constance told the two siblings that they could return any time they wish, as long as they were quiet as to not disturb the other residence.

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