Chapter 11

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After retrieving their horses from the stable boys, the five friends soon returned to the Garrison; Aramis immediately guided the injured man up to the office - Treville had told him that the supplies he would need would be in there. "Shirt off" the gunman ordered as he rummaged through the medical supplies "I need to have full access to your back" D'artagnan didn't object as he carefully removed his weapons and shirt. Once again, Kayley noticed how Athos stared at her brother, but with a certain look in his eyes - the same one from the first time the three musketeers had broken into their room. Returning her gaze back to her big brother, the girl saw Aramis finish cleaning the small burn and begin to apply an ointment "this will help keep it clean and sooth the burning sensation" he explained earning a nod "okay, thanks". D'artagnan looked over towards his jacket and shirt which he had lay on his uncle's desk; he signed as he looked towards his little sister "how long do you think it'll be before we have enough money to repair or replace those??" he wondered. Understanding what he was talking about, the fourteen year old sent the injured man a bright, reassuring smile "I'll repair them once we get back to the Inn" she offered - Kayley had always fixed and sewed up her own clothes whenever they ripped or were damaged, also doing so for their father and her brother....though repairing burnt clothes would be first for her. Thankful for the girl's offer, D'artagnan returned the smile "best sister ever" the girl's grin morphed into a smirk "don't you forget it" they all chuckled at the comment before the injured man hissed out in pain, earning an apologetic smile from Aramis "sorry". A few more minutes passed before the gunman finished wrapping a bandage around the man's torso where he was burnt "there, all done" he put the medical supplies back to where they belonged "just keep it clean until its completely healed" he instructed earning a nod "will do, thanks Aramis". D'artagnan gently stretched before taking the offered shirt from Porthos - it was one Treville stored for moments like these; he carefully put it on and reattached his weapons. 

The group left the office and began to do what Treville had ordered them to do - training. Kayley was, of course, helping her brother as he had asked her two only a few day previous. "Move your feet!!" the teenager ordered as she attacked her brother - he easily blocked it "I won't be telling you this when we're in the middle of an actual fight!!" the man instantly did as told as they continued. After an hour of helping D'artagnan, Kayley began to train with Athos; the man was happy to actually have some competition now. "She really is something" Porthos smiled as he, his lover and their friend sat at one of the tables as they watched the two duel; Aramis agreed as D'artagnan did the same "yeah, knew that when I met her". The statement confused the couple as they drew their attention towards the brother "when you met her??" they questioned "you mean when she was born??" D'artagnan shook his head as he began to explain "Kayley and I have different mothers as our father had slept with her mother one time behind my mother's back" he started "Kayley's mother fell terribly ill and both she and four year old Kayley knew that she wasn't going to make it". Already the lovers felt sad for the teenager "so knowing she didn't have much time left, her mother told Kayley about our when she did pass, Kayley left her village to look for us straight after the funeral" he explained. This knowledge was rather...shocking "how long was Kayley looking for you??" Porthos asked, worry clear in his voice; D'artagnan thought for a moment before remembering what his sister had told them "just over six months" he informed as he took a sip of his water "she slept in the streets most night and people who were travelling allowed her to tag along" he smiled at the thought of the generous people "her mother had told Kayley that our father lived in Gascony so she knew where to go and look". Before the man could continue, both the teenager and Athos had taken a break from their training and joined their friends at the table "what are you guys talking about??" they asked; the bear like man explained before they brought Athos up to speed. "Yeah, not the best six months of my life" she admitted as they sat down "but they were sure worth it" she smiled, looking towards the brother. Suddenly finding a smirk form on his lips, D'artagnan spoke "remember how we met??" he asked, earning a glare from his sister; the three musketeers instantly knew this was going to be an amusing story "do tell??". Sighing, Kayley motioned to start explaining as poured herself a much needed drink "our father had sent me out to set up some harmless traps in an attempt to catch animals" he began, still holding his smirk "I returned to check on the traps after three hours of setting them up but what do I find in one of the nets?? A small dirt covered four year old girl" the four men laughed as Kayley rolled her eyes "it's not funny!! I was up there for three hours!!" she exclaimed, though she couldn't contain or hide her own chuckle. "Anyway, I cut the rope and helped little Kayley get out of the net" D'artagnan continued once their laughter had died down "I took her back to my home and let her clean up, gave her some food and child should be as skinny as she was" he stated, seeming to be haunted by the mental image of the first time he has seen his little sister; Kayley sent the man a smile as she chipped in "I met Alexander once he returned from work and recognised his name as the one my mother had used when telling me about my father, I told him everything that had happened: my mother, her death and how I was his daughter....the next thing I know, I was welcomed into their family with open arms".

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