Chapter 12

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A long month had passed by since the siblings had moved to Paris in search for their uncle; they still lived at the Inn. Treville allowed them both to spend time at the Garrison as much as they wished. Furthermore, the musketeers had become very good and close friends with the brother and sister; they were rarely seen apart. The four men were extremely protective of the fourteen year old of course, though they knew she could handle and protect herself as she proved repetitively. Even the King and Queen had taken a liking to the musketeer Captain's niece and nephew, so much that they allowed the two to join their musketeers on missions. All was good...or it mostly was. The Cardinal wasn't a fan of having the D'artagnan's around; he had seen and heard of what they could do and wished for them to become Red Guards. But when the offer was shown the two pair, both D'artagnan and Kayley blatantly refused the position - they clearly wanted to train to become musketeers; they told their friends and uncle who weren't too surprised, but were a little concerned. "Keep an eye on them both" the Cardinal ordered to his guards "we dealing with three musketeers as it is, we don't need nor want two more".

The sun was out and town of Paris was as busy as ever; the musketeer and cadets were out in the Garrison, either training or sitting around to watch and eat as it was near lunch time. Up in the office, however, things weren't as cheerful or sunny. "What?!" the siblings exclaimed in horror; the captain sighed as he explained the situation "I've received a list of farms that have been attacked and burnt of these farms was yours". They couldn't believe what they were hearing!! "That farm was the only bit of income we had!!" Kayley explained, followed by her brother "you said it yourself that we didn't have enough income as it was for two people, now we have nothing at all!!" Treville couldn't help but feel terrible for his niece and nephew. The man stood from his seat as walked around his desk "I know...I'm sorry this is happened you two, but there's not much I can do" he sighed out; the brother and sister shared a look of sadness as they nodded "okay...thank you for telling us uncle" and with that, they turned on their heels and left the office. The three musketeers, now stood by the food and drink table, watched as their two new friends made their way down the stairs and sat themselves down in the corner, both frowning in sadness - Kayley even had her head in her hands. Plating up two more plates of food and filling up two more cups of water, the long term friends made their way towards the brother and sister. "So what do we do now?? We need to find some form of income that can support the both of us" Kayley wondered, thinking logically "which will mean...we can't spend all of out time here and with the musketeers" that single thought hurt more than anything. "I don't know Kayley....but I suppose you're right, we'll have to start searching for jobs...we don't have much hope with becoming musketeers right now". Suddenly, their three new friends popped down next to the depressed siblings "well that didn't sound like your optimistic selves" Aramis stated as he had overheard the last spoke sentence "what's got you two so blue??" he asked; D'artagnan sighed as he explained their terrible situation "and so now...we need to start looking for jobs or else I'll have to start teaching D'artagnan how to survive living on the streets" the teenager finished. In an attempt to comfort the upset fourteen year old, Porthos - who was sat beside her - wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in for a side hug; Kayley gladly accepted the embrace, sending the man a small smile, as she rested her head on the man's shoulder. "Everything will be alright" Athos reassured as he placed his hand on D'artagnan's shoulder - they sure hoped he was right, yet found it hard to believe; the leader seemed to remember something "how's your back feeling today??". Aramis's attention instantly turned towards the younger mans burns as they all remembered he had been injured the day before....well all but the man himself, as well as his sister who had checked his burns just this morning. Once they had established that the eldest of the siblings were okay and that his injuries were healing nicely, the three musketeers managed to convince the brother and sister to join them as they ventured off into the town of Paris - though it didn't take much convincing of course. They left to see if anyone in town needed any help....which many did; they were all simple and easy issues, like carrying heavy objects, fixing broken wagons and carriages, breaking up fights and finding lost children's parents. "Hey Constance!!" Kayley greeted, happily now that she saved and helped a multiple of people; the Inn keeper smiled as she hugged her young friend "hello Kayley, how's your day going??" she asked as she bought six different materials she could use for some curtains. Shrugging, the fourteen year old explained how things could be better "but I won't bore you with it all" she brushed it off; Constance raised a brow of confusion before smiling at the girl "alright then" she placed the fabrics into her basket "you can bore me later when you come home" they chuckled before parting ways, saying goodbye as they did.

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