Chapter 15

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Eventually, the evening arrived and everyone within the Garrison parted ways; the three musketeers and the siblings soon found themselves entering the Tavern and, like most nights, sat down in the corner with their ordered drinks. Begin two hours of jokes, laughter and amusing chats - that was until Kayley had finished her third cup of orange juice and stood up from their table "I'm gonna head back to the Inn" she stated as she threw on her cloak; the four men told her that they were going to stay for a while longer before saying good night to her. Upon arriving back at the Inn, the fourteen year old was greeted by Constance who stopped from leaving the dining area, stating she had a surprise for her young friend "if it's that chicken stew again then hallelujah!!" the girl joked....well half joked - that stew was really delicious. Chuckling, the kind woman reassured her that she would fetch her some in a minute "but first" Constance seemed extremely excited as she placed a small tied sack of something into the young girl's hand "this is for you" she smiled. With a raised brow, Kayley opened the sack to reveal....many gold coins?! "30 shillings" the Inn owner snapped her out of her shocked trance "is that enough for you to compete in the competition tomorrow??" she asked; the teenager looked up with wide eyes as she began to protest "wha...I...I can't take this!!" she exclaimed "it's your money!!" the older woman rolled her eyes with a fond smile - she had anticipated for her stubborn friend to refuse her gift. "Don't be silly Kayley"  Constance placed her hand on the fourteen year old's shoulder "I want you to have it and I'm not taking it back, whether you like it or not" Kayley didn't know what to do before she launched herself at the woman, hugging her tightly; it surprised the woman, taking her by surprise - she quickly shook herself out of the shock before returning the warm and rib breaking embrace. "Thank you Constance" Kayley parted from her friend "I...I won't be able to pay you back any time soon though" this earned a head shake from the older woman "I don't want you to sweetie" was all she said before going into the kitchen; she returned with a wooden bowl full of the very much loved stew "now eat up and then it's off to bed" she ordered "you need a good nights sleep if you're going to be competing tomorrow". After thanking Constance one last time - though not for long - the teenager did as told, returning the bowl once she had finished before retreating to her room; she lit a small fire as it was a little chilly - even though it was summer. Quickly taking a shower to wash herself, Kayley dried off and changed into her night clothes; she brushed all of the knots out of her hair with the brush Athos had kindly bought her two weeks ago. Like most nights, as soon as her head hit the pillow, Kayley was out like a light.

Startled away, Kayley realised someone was knocking on the door; she stood up and approached the locked entrance - she glanced over to see her brother fast asleep in his bed. Opening the door, the teen saw the familiar faces of the three musketeers who each sent her tired smiles of their own "morning kid" Porthos yawned out; the greeting was returned as she let them into the room with a smirk "no breaking an entering today??" she teased with a smirk "what time is it??" she asked as she stretched her still tired limbs "around eight O clock". Shaking her brother awake, Kayley told him to get ready as it was morning; he did just that as his sister entered the bathroom to change into her day clothes - he did the same but neither he or their male friends minded him changing in front of them. Within fifteen minutes, the siblings were ready for the day; the five friends left the Inn and walked in the direction of Garrison. Upon arriving, they grabbed some breakfast and a drink before taking a seat at one of the free tables; some of the cadets seemed to sent Kayley smiles and even happily greeted her. After an hour when the clock struck nine, Treville left his office and stood at the bottom of the stairs; everyone feel silent as their attentions turned to him "the competitions will begin in five minutes!!" he announced "hand in your entry fees by placing them in this chest and prepare yourselves" he ordered, pointing to a small chest that was resting on the third step. Only five cadets stepped forward and did so, followed by the musketeers "So the fishing went well I see??" Athos smirked as he threw his money into the chest; Aramis returned the facial expression "it went splendid" his lover chuckled. They watched as D'artagnan did the same once the three moved out of the way "you found the extra ten shillings then??" Porthos asked earning a happy nod "you're not the only ones who went fishing" she stated, surprising the three men. This, however, did confuse his little sister who raised a brow to him "since when have you known how to fish??" they suddenly fell silent as they three men felt their cheeks burn as Athos laughed out loud; he wrapped his arm around the fourteen year old's shoulders and attempted to gently pull her away, back towards their seats "Aramis taught him" was all he said as he continued to chuckle. "Wait!! I need to add my entry fee!!" she exclaimed, pulling away from her friend as she jogged back towards the chest; she revealed the sack from her pocket before disposing it. As the girl sat down, her brother asked how she had acquired the money as she hadn't mentioned it the previous day "well I didn't go fishing if that's what you're wondering" more laughter could be heard from her comment "Constance gave it to me last night, wouldn't let me say no". 

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