Chapter 17

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Upon waking up the next morning, Athos felt a light weight resting on his chest; he opened his eyes tiredly to see a mop of brown hair?? Getting a better look, he came to realise that it was sleeping D'artagnan?! He was using the older man as his own personal pillow. Looking around the room, he noticed Kayley stood by her bed as she tied her hair up with her classic blue ribbon; she noticed the awoken man in the corner of her eye and smiled as she turned towards him. "Morning, had a good sleep??" she asked as she sat down on her bed; the smile was returned "morning kid, it was good" it really was "I hope you did too". He was about to get up when he remembered a certain someone was using him as a pillow and didn't wish to wake him "em...what exactly happened last night??" he asked as his memory was a little foggy; Kayley chuckled "well" she thought back to the previous night "we all left the Tavern and came her, you guys had a lot to drink whilst we played some card games" she recalled "both you and D'artagnan started to pass out but you managed to lie both yourself and D'artagnan down...with my help of course". Athos seemed to notice something else as he glanced around the room "where's dumb and dumber??" he asked, realising the couple weren't in the room with them - he remembered them both passing out on the floor in the corner, yet they were no where to be seen; he took note of how Kayley's cheeks turned a light shade of red "Aramis and Porthos got even more drunk than you and decided they wanted a to have a shag" she explained as she began to attempt to put her boots on - it could sometimes be a difficult task "so they went to your room for some privacy" she smirked. As he nodded his head, Athos seemed to only just realise what he was being told "wait a room?!" the teenager laughed at his slow morning mind "yup" she confirmed "they took your key whilst you were drinking". Groaning, the man rubbed his eyes to rid himself of sleep as he complained; they fell silent as Kayley focused her attention to her boots - they were being extra stubborn today.

"...Are you okay??" Athos suddenly asked, catching the girl off guard as she looked up from her task with a raised brow "yeah, of course I am" she smiled before she resumed what she was doing; the man assumed that she didn't exactly understand why he was asking "...yesterday must have been difficult for you...seeing LaBarge again". She froze her movement before sighing as she continued " was" she admitted truthfully "to be honest, I had hoped my brother and I would never see him again" this confused the man as during her story the night before, she had said she was alone that late and life changing night; Kayley seemed to understand this and explained "we bumped into him about a week after LaBarge had...done what he did" she paused "D'artagnan's wanted nothing more to kill him when I pointed LaBarge out after hiding being a market stall....he probably would have if I had let him". Athos could see that Kayley was more broke than any of them knew - deep down - it was unsettling; he realised that the girl wore a mask every single day - it a were a layer of her mental shields. She was just like him but in different ways due to different issues. "You're incredible Kayley, you know that??" he stated with a genuine smile, once again catching the girl off guard - she still wasn't used to receiving compliments "not many adults could survive what you're gone through, yet you did at a very young age" the girl smiled as she finished dealing with her boots "thank you Athos, but I'm no where near as healed as D'artagnan or myself would like to be" she admitted. Turning away from the horrid subject, she smiled "but I accepted what happened to me a few years ago which seemed to make me feel happier and stronger, and now that I have you, Aramis and Porthos in my life....I feel even better" the man felt the warmth in him grow as she spoke "I am glad". 

Not moving from her sat position, Kayley smirked "so...D'artagnan looks comfortable" she stated; Athos cast his eyes down to glance at the sleeping man resting against his neck - the new musketeer had his arm draped over his 'pillows' waist. He smiled as his cheeks turned a shade of pink "indeed he does" he agreed; Kayley chuckled before sending him a gentle smile, yet she held conflict within her beautiful blue eyes - Athos noticed this and asked what was wrong. Sighing, she gave in "I...I shouldn't really tell you this but I fear if I don't, it could cause a problem" this confused the man, as well as concerned him; he signalled for her to go on "before I tell you, you must promise me that you will not treat anyone any different....unless it is for the better". Taking a moment to think, the awake musketeer hesitantly agreed - what did she have to tell him?? Smiling at the reassurance, Kayley began "D'artagnan...he had a....a crush on you" the man's eyes widened as she continued "though I'm sure that it's more....he really likes you Athos" this was a lot to take in. Kayley had seen how her brother stared at the older man when he thought no one was watching, as well as seen how he normally gravitated towards Athos more than anyone else - even herself which was new. "I'm telling you this because I don't wish to see my brother hurt" she explained "if you don't like him in that sense, then....I just don't want him to get his hopes up any higher than they already are" she sighed as she rubbed her forehead "I have told him to be careful and he keeps saying that he will get over you....but I don't believe he will". Athos nodded to show he was listening, though he was also deep in thought; he found it sweet that Kayley was so worried for her big brother. "Thank you for telling me this Kayley" he smiled "though I will have to think about all of this I have a past of my own that is far from good, especially in the relationship department" he admitted; the teenager understood of course "I figured, but remember that you promised you wouldn't treat him any differently" he nodded in reassurance "unless it was for the better, I know". Both conscious friends smiled at one another "good" Kayley stood from her bed "and don't worry, I won't tell the other's of your and my brother's sleeping arrangement" she smirked; Athos chuckled as he stated "much appreciated". After their conversation, Kayley attached her weapons to her belt before leaving for the Garrison; she had agreed to train the cadets once again this morning but she wanted to get some breakfast before hand. She bumped into her two extremely hungover friends in the hallway of the Inn and dragged them with her; they asked where Athos and D'artagnan were, to which she said they would meet them later as they hadn't had very much sleep the night before.

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