Chapter 14

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Upon arriving at the Garrison, both Athos and Kayley sound Porthos sat at their table, eating some bread and fruit, whilst his lover and D'artagnan were in the middle of a duel. Kayley greeted them, only receiving one back from Porthos as she sat next to him - Athos placed himself on the other side of the table once he grabbed both and the teen some food as they had skipped lunch to run his errands. They watched as the pair trained until Aramis ended it by performing a certain move which guaranteed him to win "hey!!" D'artagnan exclaimed as he pushed the man's sword away with his own "that wasn't a fair or honourable move!!" they all laughed at his reaction; his sister rolled her eyes as she called over to him "you might be up against a Red Guard and you think they'll fight you with hour and fairness??" she asked with a raised down. Her brother rubbed the back of his neck as he realised the point she was making "didn't think so" Kayley smirked "either way, not many people do anyway" she had a point - one of which the musketeers could all agree on. The two decided to take a break as they joined their friends to sit down; the fourteen year old seemed to remember something as she turned towards the couple "so how was fishing??" she asked; both men turned bright red with wide eyes as Athos and D'artagnan bit back their loud and strong laughter - the older man even spat out his drink which they doubted Porthos appreciated on his arm. "Em...we didn' see..." neither of the lovers knew how to tackle this topic; they thanked the god above when D'artagnan saved them "I'll tell you when you're older" he patted her on the shoulder. They spoke about a multiple of things before Treville stated he needed them at the Palace; they hurried to saddle up their horses before galloping off through the town. It wasn't long before they arrived and entered the Palace after handing over their horses to the kind stable boys; Treville led the was until their reached the throne room were they found both the King and Queen talking with the Cardinal. "Ahh!! Musketeers" Louis smiled "just in time" they each bowed their greets "we have a small job for you to do". The Cardinal spoke up as he explained the situation "you will help the Red Guards to transfer the prisoner LaBarge from his current holding cell to his permanent one" the siblings instantly shared a look as their uncle glanced towards them both "okay, when will the transfer take place??" Athos asked - he and the couple were unaware of the others discomfort. The Queen informed them that it was in an hours time "so you better hurry" the three musketeers and siblings nodded as they bowed to the royal couple before taking their leave; Treville called out for his niece before she could walk out the door though. "You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up once I'm done here" she told them; her brother and friends nodded before continuing on their way - the girl returned to the captain. "What's up uncle Treville??" she asked as the man pulled her aside from the royals and Cardinal "if it's too much, you don't have to help with the're not an actual musketeer" he explained; the teenager signed as she rubbed the back of her neck "but that's just it, I do" this confused the man "...I want to be able to become a musketeers someday so....I have to do this" and with that, she left the throne room and hurried to the stables. She jumped up and onto Sam's back before they galloped away; the teen easily caught up to her friends who smiled upon seeing her approach.

As soon as the musketeers returned their horses to the Garrison stables, they hurried to the cells where they found the Red Guards already waiting; they were clearly an impatience bunch. "You took your time" the leader spat; all five of the friends showed some form of annoyance - whether it was an eye roll or glare. "Shut up" Athos ordered "we do't like this either but we have to work together, not fight" he was right of course; the Red Guard's couldn't come up with any witty comeback as a panicked citizen came running up to the cells. "Musketeers!! Musketeers!!" the elder man yelled "I need your help!!" Porthos asked him what was wrong; the poor man explained how someone was robbing his home right at that moment. Stepping forth, Kayley placed a gentle hand on the man's arm in an attempt to calm his panicked state as she looked up at the four men "you guys get this done, I'll handle the house robber" she decided; they sent her a nod - Aramis told her to meet them back at the Garrison once she was done, as well as to be careful. The elder man showed Kayley were his home was, telling her how he had managed to escape the invasion through his back door; she reassured him that all would be okay and that she would take down the robber. Back at the cells, the guards and musketeers - as well as D'artagnan - grabbed LaBarge and had him in cuffs before they even allowed him out of the holding cell; they walked him through the town - people moving out of the way in fear. "So where am I doing exactly??" LaBarge asked as he tugged at his cuffs; the leader of the Red Guards informed him of his arranged permanent cell.

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