65k special (late)

481 6 8

l~ate due to me being banned D: from my laptop

and the chasing thing from last chapter or so has stahped.~


Me:*looking through the put dares here chapters*

Ryan:"Uh Kimi didn't you notice anything?"

Wy:"Yeah ...anything about this particular awesome thing now?"

Me:"No? Why?"

Julia:"Guys if we say it she's gonna pass out....like...she always does....

Aleks: "Why...and hoe does that happen?"

Callie:"Honestly...I just think it's  overly happiness taking over.."


Bodil:"sis... look at the-"

Jason: *covering Bodil's mouth* "Don't even.. do that to your own sister."

Bodil:*licks Jason's hand*

Jason: "GROSS!" *removes hand*

Bodil:"Look at the reads!"

Me *checks reads* :"........"

Adam and Vivian:" I think...she's broken..."

Ty:"some better...move the glass table then..."

Mitch:*moves it*


Teresa:"Shall I fetch um some cold water?"

Felix and Cry: "I think that's best..."


Julia and Kylee:" You're a butt Martin."

Lauren:" Typical... trolling Bodil... we shouldn't be surprised..."

Quentin: *pokes me with  foot* "she's out cold."

Seto:"Where's the water?"

Luna:"Teresa don't you have it?'

Teresa" The pipes are messed up!"

Adam:"Guilty...I kinda shoved a squid down it..."

Jason:"What the heck Adam!"

Adam:"It was a plush one! I didn't even want that in the studio!"

Callie:*facepalms* "Idiot."

Teigan:"So what are we supposed to do now?"

Ty:Luna , can't you and Seto use magic or something to wake her up again?"

Luna:"Oh yeah."


Jason:*picks me up*

Seto and Luna:*uses magic on me*

Me:*wakes up* "W-wha..." *rubs head*



Callie:"Good! now we can get on with this thingy."

Me:"Oh yeah! *hops down from Jason's arms* "Thank you guys so much for these 65,000 *coughs* I mean 67,000 something reads!"


Ty: "Tune in.."

Teigan:" Next time"

Adam: "For more..."

Vivian: " Dare Team Crafted!"

Cry:" Along..."

Felix:" With random antics"

Quentin:" That we do..."

Lauren:" Sometimes.."

Bodil: " Right here...."

Mitch: " In the studio!"

Me:" Are we really...."

Teresa:" So keep a look out!"

Callie: " I think they are..."

Jerome:" For new dares!

Jason: " and don't forget to send some in!"

Ryan:"We love doing them..."

Wy:"He's lying ..BUT since it makes you laugh..."

Luna:"We'll do them.."

Seto:"For you awesome guys.."

Felix: "And gals out there!"


everyone but me and Callie:"Nooooooooo" *laughs*

Me and Callie: *face desk* "the people we live with....."

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