back from the mall dare ( not a dare)

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a/n: Yeah I'm  putting in like breaks  the will have ( not a dare) next to title or I put in bold note not a dare.

* Jason and I come back from the mall.*

Jimmy: Kimi you were on TV.

Me: what?

Jimmy: Yeah the dare you did at mall. the was camera crew there or whatever.

Me: FUuuuuuu-

Jimmy: Kimi it's fine! you didn't know.

Me: Well yeah.. but.... now everyone knows I love singing... the whole world knows not just people at mall.... but everyone in the wrold!

Ty: And what's wrong with that?

Me: Idk... I just don't like to sing much.... and now that people know I might get pestered to sing or whatever.

Jason: Kimi I told you. not to do the dare.

Me: * Glares then sighs* I know but... I just thought the people in the mall would see.

Adam: * pats my head* Always scan the room Kimi

Me: Don't do that plz. and It was a croweded mall how the *BLEEP* was I  going to see a camera crew!

~Awkward silence~

All of us: Um ....Anyway guys send  us your dares!

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