another prank war part 3

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a/n: I just realized Aleks and Julia are not on a team.... how many people do I actually have .-.


Julia:"Hey! No one put me or Aleks on a team!"


Me:"Well...with so many people you would think we would do that."

Ty:"Kimi is right/"

Teigan:"To many people in this studio!"

Kylee:"Oh well."

Ian:"Aleks , Julia just join my team."


Mitch:"Well let's split up again and get ready."


Callie:"Kimi! Jason! Jeorme let's go!" *starts walking upstairs*


Jason and Jerome:*follows*


location 1: Team: Kylee , Ian ,Felix ,Cry ,Julia ,Aleks

Kylee:"So what do we have?'

Ian:"Got my fake cake"

Julia:"So a balloon covered with icing?"


Aleks:"I have rope."

Cry:"I got some plastic wrap"

Felix: "Maybe we can set the plastic wrap near an outside door if another team runs outside."

Kylee:"I like that!"

Julia:'"And Felix can make a rope trap"



Location 2: Team: Callie,Myself ,Jerome ,and Jason

Callie:"I have tazers."


Jerome:'No tazers."


Me:"Hey tazers aren't that dangerous."


Jerome: *facedesk*

Jason:"Well what  do we have?"

Me:"My magic."

Callie:"Both Kimi's and my tazers."

Jerome:"A net"

Jason:"And I have my paint ball gun."

Me:"I have the best idea now!"

Callie:"What is it?'

Me:"We can use my magic and control the tazers like that to freak another team out , chase them with the floating tazers...."

Callie:"Oh! then Jason can shoot them with his paintball gun."

Jerome:"And if I set up a tripwire in the path they can get caught in the net!"


Me:"Let's get set up!"



Location three: Team: Quentin , Lauren , Adam ,Vivian

Adam:"We can set butter up somewhere and then that person can be sent sliding"


Lauren:"Maybe after that happens" *grabs nerf gun* " I shoot them!"

Vivian:"It will depend who it might be and where you aim"

Lauren:"If it's a girl not in the boobs and if a guy....not in that...area."

Vivian:*nods* "Do we have unused balloons?"


Vivian:'If I can fill it with water and maybe something extra.."

Quentin:'What is that extra exactly?"

Vivian:"I dunno paint , food coloring?"

Lauren:"We'll figure that out later."

Adam:"Let's just get everything set up with what we know what we will do."

Quentin and Lauren: *nods*



Location 4: Team: Ty,Jimmy,Teigan,Luna

Jimmy:"So what is our plan?"

Ty:"Well TNT is out"

Teigan:" Well...when everyone was together and testing stuff you did...somewhat blow up part of the studio..."

Ty:"It was an accident babe!"

Luna:"Anyway let's get on with the plan"

Jimmy:"Well my magic might do something."

Teigan:"Yes. BUT Kimi also has magic."

Luna:"Which she could use againts us if you do something"


Ty:"How about we get  nerf guns , set up a feather trap and yes feathers are coated in glue and..."

Teigan:"And when someone runs by it....we aim at the loose part of the feather trap sending it down?"

Luna:'That could work"


Ty: "Let's go!"


Location 5 : Team : Bodil , Ryan , Wy ,Teresa,Mitch

Bodil:'I have a bunch of trolling items on hand."

Ryan:"And Wy now has a pillow...cannon?"



Wy:"I know people."

Mitch:"Um well... what do we have?"

Bodil:"My trolling stuff."

Wy:"My pillow cannon"

Teresa:" I have ...let me think...."

Ryan:"I got this rope and batarang."

Mitch:"I have Betty" * takes out diamond axe."

Bodil:"How will that help us?"


Teresa:"Hm...I just remembered I have marbles... but we need to make sure the person won't get hurt."

Mitch:*Nods* "Maybe with my Ax I can throw it and scare someone , then when it hits um this *holds target* it will spew out 3 different  colored paint powders"

Bodil:"Sounds good."

Teresa and Wy:"Let's do this!"


A/n:Wow... so um yeah this will have a part 4.... :S

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