A break from prank war

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Me:"So we are holding it off just to relax and yeah"

Julia:"Good thing tooo."

Aleks:"Who is still in anyways? I know I am"

Ty:" Me ,Kimi ,......um...."

Cry:" Felix , myself , I think Adam is still in?"

Adam: "Yes .... and Callie and Jerome are still in right?"



Ryan:  " I'm still in it"

Lauren:"Quentin is in it still!"

Quentin:"Yes! and I shall win"

Julia:"Unless Kimi  will be a total jag"

Me:*death glare*


Kylee: "she does her jag moves when needed right?"

Jason:"she does."

Jimmy and Luna:"Well when will we resume?"


Vivian:"Well I bet Adam will win this!"


Jerome:'Not unless I win this."

Callie: "Or me"

Bodil:"What about my sister?"

Julia:"She gonna get out I bet!"

*insert argument here*

Me:* quickly opens door and steps out of room* "Wow......" *hears them still yellling*

Callie:*comes out of room* "It's just for fun why they do dis?"

Me:"I don't even know....."

*explosion sound*

Me and callie: *open door to see everyone against wall and part of room blown up* "TY ...QUENTIN"

Quentin:" I had to do it!"

Ty:"But it doesn't count right!"


Callie:*also facewalls*

Me and Callie: "No"

Jason:"Is this part of the studio closed off now for repairs?"


Ian:"Well let's just get out of this room then and clean ourselves up"


Adam:"I'm bored... oh can I lather myself with budder!"

Me and Callie:"NO! Nope. nada."


Jason:"You scarred us for life last time!"


Aleks:"Dont hurt yourself babe."


Cry:" Didn't you take away the butter?"

Me:"Many times."

Callie:"But somehow it always comes back"


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