Admit it you're a fish!

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Me: " Quentin!"

Quentin: " what"

Lauren: " we have a dare for you"

Quentin: "what is it?"

Julia: " For you to admit that you're a fish!"

Jason: *facepalming*

Quentin: " No!"

Wy: " C'mon it's a dare!"

Vivian: " Wy is right ya know"

Luna: " so you got to do it."

Felix: * walks in w/ others* " what's going on?"

Quentin: " it's the dare I have!"

Ryan: " and what is it?"

Quentin: " to admit I'm a fish"

Adam: " let me guess... a reader sent that dare"

Lauren: " more or less..."

Teresa: " who has that kind of mind for that type of dare?"

Kylee: "apperntly our readers..."

Adam: " Guys!"

Ty: " get back to Quentin's dare"

Jimmy: " Quentin just do it."

Quentin: "No,"

Jerome: " it's not going to be a big deal"

Mitch: *nods*

Aleks: " yeah"

Me: " so just do it Quentin"

Quentin: " No!"

Me: *pulls out tazer* " don't make me- *tazer is taken away*

Jason: " No , bad Kimi!"

Me: *pulls out another one* " I'll taze you if you don't Quentin"

Jason: *takes other one* " No!"

Me: *pulls out a new one*


Ian: * I don't know"

Me: *tazes Quentin*

Cry: " was that necessary?"

Me: "Yes"

Teigan: " she uses it when she has to"

Quentin: "OW!!!!!!! FINE I'm a fish!"

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