we stole Kimi's laptop

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*note not a dare!*

me: Where the heck is my stuff? I need to check the dares.

~off someplace else~

Mitch: I got her lap top.

Adam: Did you get her threat stuff.

Jerome: I got them right here.

Jason: Yay no more dares.

~ I run and find them~

Me: * panting* Give them back now.

All but me: Not until someone dares you!

Me: *glares and sighs* Well um guys.. .this is up to you.... dare me so I can continue to ask them your dares.... or ...

Quentin:  We will take down the dare book

Me: No plz!

Ian: Then your viewers must send in you a dare Kimi!

Me:... guys... they are being serious. so send in a dare to me.... so they won't take the book down! D:

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