Untitled Part 11

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Me and Joe thought we should celebrate our finding outs probably. We were going to have a party for bassicicly everyone that live in the house and just for our close family and friends. I had no idea what my dad was going to say, surely it wasn't going to be good. He was Scottish he wasn't going to be calm( A.N- no offence meant there, my dad is actually Scottish it's something my friend uses as an excuse for me alot)
Joe suggested the party he thought it could be like a baby shower but really early considered I was only 20 weeks.  We both had already told our close friends and some family but for my parents I'm leaving that till tonight,  but we haven't told the fans we want to give specific hints to them and let them guess. 
"thank you all so much for coming.  Now a few if you have no idea why your here
All will be revealed now.  I'm..... Pregnant" I saw everyone's concfused face turn into a happy smile.  Other than my dads,  that wasn't good. I knew he didnt want a grandchild.  But couldn't he just be happy for me and Joe was that to much to ask,  I didn't think so and neither did aflie or Joe.
"your what" I heard my dad say,  Alfie came over for me.  Alfie always did this if I was in any trouble with dad I could always relay on Alfie to keep me safe.  Dads never been the same after mum dying.  Which of course is understandable but this wasn't right not even for a Scottish block who's lost he's wife.

"ALfie do you think dad will mind?  I mean I haven't known Joe all that long and we're together"
"he'll be cool with it don't stress"

"hey dad" "children" he always said this I never knew why.  "I'm dad you know that Joe suggested guy I was telling going about" he just nodded. "yeah well I'm were together"  he didn't say anything he just slowly walked towards me but before he got there Alfie did and was standing know front of me keeping me safe I assumed.
"don't you dare come near my sister threatening to hit her" "I... I didn't". "safe it old man I could see what you were doing".
End of flashback

he raised he's hand I really didn't want him to hit aflie or me.  I was scared of my own dad what little girl should ever be scared to go near there dad.  None.  But u was and I never used to know why but this must have been the reason. 

"I'm I'm sorry I I wasn't going to hit her I I promise" "safe it. Dad" ALfie spitted it out like the word was posion."you. Don't belong here now go go back to scotland,  where were all safe from you" and with that he left. The party was ruined but it was still fun after dad left people understood so they stayed around for a bit then left. Alfie and Zoe ended up going with Louise and Liam to stay that night at there's so it was me and Joe left in this assive house with caspser who lromised to stay in he's room and Dan and Phil who didn't really count since they were on the top floor sleeping. 

"I can't believe your pregnant Lucy and now everyone knows how will we tell our viewers" "owww" she fell over in pain clutching her stomach.  I was going sure what was going on but I was hoping the baby had nothing to do with it.  "Joe.  Joe what's happening" " I dunno sweety.  But we're getting you to. Hospital now"

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