Wait a second.

We're already in front of the main office? Did I really space out that bad? Jeesh, I need to work on that. Anyways, we walked into the main office and a lady behind the counter greeted us.

"Oh, hello. I haven't seen you around here before. New student?" She said, turning her eyes towards my direction.

"Uhm, yeah, hi. My names Krystle, is my schedule ready?" I asked.

"Krystle Versailles? Yes, I have your schedule right here. Here you go" She sayed, handing me my class schedule.

"Thank you."

The office lady looked over to Alex and decided to start a new topic. "Alex, are you still coming to our knitting club this Saturday?"

"Of course, I'll be there around noon!" She said. Hmm... I didn't know she liked to knit. Interesting...

"Okay, you both have fun in school today! It's not very often that we get new students!" She said, giving me a closed smile and a small wave of the hand.

She seems nice.

Alex replied with a quick, "Okay, bye Mrs. Peters!, " and we were off to the wonder's of East  Field High.

We walked out of the office's doors and she immediately snatched my schedule from my hands. Just like the crazy person she is, she let's out a loud squeal, and my ear drums practically burst. I shuffled back in fear and surprise. Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into?


"Really? Which ones?"

"First, Second, Third, and Fifth hour!"

"What's my first hour? I kind of need to know where I'm going," I said, trying to pop my eardrums back into place. After she finished talking, she handed me back my schedule and I took a look at it.

Okay, so I have art first hour. YES! I'm very good at art. I do photography, drawing, and I dabble a little bit in painting as well.

"Alex, you have art first hour too?"


We got a few stares because the halls were thinning out and she was screaming at the top of her lungs. A couple seconds later the bell rang, and that's when I realized why the halls were thinning out... class was starting.

"Crap. Alex will I get in trouble for being late? I can't get in trouble on my first day at school!" I said panicking.

"Oh, sush Krystle, we'll be fine. I'll head back into the main office and ask for some passes. Plus, the art teacher is super leniant, she'll probably let it slide anyway because you're a new student."

After she said that she turned back around and walked the few feet of space there was originally between us and the door of the main office.

After about 2 minutes she was back and carrying little purple sheets of paper, otherwise known as our tardy slips.

"You got the passes?" I asked.

"Yep, now lets get to class," she said, taking me arm and dragging me to my class once again.

On the way to class Alex showed me where the lunch room and library was since we passed by both of them on the way to the art room. I was actually excited to go to first hour. Who knows? Maybe I might like going to school here.

Once we stopped in front of a door, which I assumed was our first hour room, Alex knocked, actually more like pounded on it, to let them know someone wanted in. A few seconds later a petite women with short hair answered the door. She looked at Alex, then to me, and her eyes widened.

"Oh, yes. I forgot we would be having a new student. Come on in," she said, giving a hand gesture to show us inside before closing the door behind us.

Alex led the way inside and I kept my head down, knowing that I must be the center of attention, considering I'm new, this is the middle of class, and there were probably tons of people in here.

"We have passes from Mrs. Peters," Alex said nicely and handed them over to the art teacher, who I'm guessing is Mrs. Peters.

"Oh, very well. You know you wouldn't need them though!" She said, taking the slips from her hand and storing them in her wooden desk. I finally decided to lift my head just a little when Alex called my name and elbowed my arm. I looked over to her before she nodded her head towards the teacher.

"Well class, we have a new student today. May I ask your name?" she asked.

"Um, sure. My names Krystle Versailles," I said, shuffling my eyes from the teacher, to Alex, to the class.

"Very well, there is one extra seat in the back right hand corner next to the window. That can be your seat from now on."

I replied with a small thank you before looking up to find my seat. What I didn't expect was to lock eyes with the most beautiful man I've ever seen. His eyes felt like they were climbing through my skin and looking at my soul. Holy canoli, what was happening?

I reluctantly looked away and nodded to Alex before heading to my seat in the row next to him. I could feel his stare and it took everything in me not to turn my head and bore my eyes into his deep blue ones.

This was going to be an interesting day. Actually, more like interesting year. I couldn't help but feel that something important was going to happen. But what?

Winter's Howl (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora