Chapter 5

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I started to drive in my car home filled with junk food. Why didn't I just ask Chris to spend time with me? I sighed as I turned on the alternative station.

"Alright and tonight we'll have free concert tickets to Vampire Weekend if you're the 54 caller!"

That's it! I grabbed my cell phone and called in. I dialed the number and prayed that I would win. If I won I could take Chris with me and we could have some alone time together. We met at a concert, it'd be fun if we could really go to one together.

"Congratulations caller, you are caller number 54! What's your name?"

I squealed in delight winning and could hardly breathe. Oh my god did I just win a contest!! "My names Annie!" I said in delight happy to know I could spend more time with Chris.

"Alright Annie congratulations you've won 2 tickets to the sold out vampire weekend concert on Thursday! Hope you have a special date you're going with."

"Thank you so much!" I said back before I hung up the phone. Oh my god. I was so lucky! I have to tell Chris. But I really don't want to seem creepy or stalker-ish if I told him immediately, especially because he's at a party. I'll just casually mention it tomorrow and say that I just won tickets. Hopefully he'll want to go with me. I turned down Maple drive where my apartment was. I parked my car and grabbed all 6 bags of groceries up the stairs. No way I was making 2 trips, that'd be such a waste of time. I tried to get my keys out of my purse I spilled 2 pints of ice cream on the floor and a box of donuts fell down. "Great just my luck," I muttered as I tried to scoop up as much of everything I could. As soon as one bag spilled the next one would just come open. Urgh this was frustrating.

"Can I help you with anything?" Said a sly voice in the distance. I rolled my eyes because I knew exactly who it was.

"Hi Jared, long time no see," I said through clenched teeth. As son as I turned around to see he brown hair greasy and messy, a white tank top with a mustard stain, khaki shorts and he decided to grow his beard out. I can't believe I actually dated that sloppy bastard for 2 months.

"Ouch, I thought you'd be glad to seem me," he said as he started walking towards me. His grin grew bigger and the devil's light flashed through his eyes. I took a step back as he took 3 steps forward. "C'mon I missed you baby. And I know you missed your Jared. Plus we never left things at a good place. I got no closure sweetie."

Now I started to remember why we broke up. We were at 'his' lake house and we decided to have a party because he know people in the area. Soon I felt left out and he was surrounded by all these girls who were groping him and he was all over them. I left and drove back home as I sent him a text saying it was over. "What are you doing in my apartment building you don't live here. And don't touch my stuff you pig, if you do I will hurt you."

"Oh feisty, that turns Jared on," he said while licking his lips and coming even closer. I shuddered in utter disgust. "C'mon let me in. I want to talk to you. Also I do live here now. Me and my girlfriend, Stephanie, just moved here."

"You're a fucking pig," I said as I scoop up my groceries opened the door and placed them in the doorway of my apartment. "Go fuck yourself you dumb son of a bitch. And tell your new girlfriend she's wasting a shitload of time on an asshole." I slammed my door shut only to kick my groceries around in rage. How could he move here? and if he has a girlfriend why would he hit on my? Ugh I'm over his crap. I opened my freezer and put some of the ice cream in there, but kept some out. I say on my couch with 3 pints of ice cream and a box of donuts. I turned on dance moms and decided not to think about any of this crap and watch children get emotionally abused by a fat dance teacher.

**************the next day***********

I woke up to find ice cream in my hair and empty donut box on the floor. Shit, this place looked like a mess. Whatever, I'll do it later I probably look like a bigger mess. I took a shower and put on Fitz and the Tantrums shirt and brushed my hair out. I put on a little bit of eyeliner and I dash of mascara. "Well, that's about how good it'll be." I murmured to myself. I grabbed my phone off the counter and plugged it in to charge. I unlocked to see 12% battery. Ugh stupid iPhone. I saw I have 5 new text messages, all from Meg minus one. One was from Chris! I opened the text and it said 'Annie I had so much fun with you yesterday. What are you doing tonight?'

I squealed and jumped for joy! Chris and I would get to hang out tonight! I responded back 'not a lot. Want to see the son of god movie? jk ;)' I started to clean up the living room as I heard my phone buzz. He texted me back!

'Maybe not that movie but we could go see the Lego movie. I heard it's pretty good' I smiled. Chris was so kind, he wanted to see a movie about Legos. 'You've got a date' I texted back. I ran back to my room. No way I could go in a large tshirt and no pants. That wasn't a good idea.

I put on a pair of jean shorts and I tank top that had a sparkly skull on it. I pulled some of my hair out my face in a half up-half down manner. I put some foundation on and some blush and eyeshadow. Better than before. I smiled back at my self. Crap, my teeth. I brushed my teeth then went back to the kitchen outlet where my phone was charging. there was a text from Chris. 'There's a show at 2 o'clock, let's meet there.' I smiled. 2 o'clock better come soon because I was so excited to see Chris.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2014 ⏰

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