chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As I drove down the road, I started to regret leaving Chris behind. I wish he could have come with me. My thoughts drifted on to think about him, he was so kind and underneath everything he was vulnerable. It impressed me that someone who plays such hard metal could be such a sweet heart. Although I was wondering what was bothering him, he seemed extremely upset...

Soon I arrived to the shoot, only to see Meg's gross pink car parked between 3 lines. Geez, that girl sucked at driving. I exited my car, but first checked my make up in the rear view mirror. Ugh, I looked like a mess. I wonder if I looked like this all day. I rubbed the smeared eye shadow from under my eye and then went inside to the shoot.

"Oh my god, thank the lord you showed up! I don't even know how to put the camera on the tripod," Meg squealed, jumping on me.

"Sometimes, you are absolutely useless," I sighed at I set up all my equipment, trying not to fall over from the lack of help from Meg. She giggled at me as I rolled my eyes. "And what's so funny? Please tell me before I whack you with a tripod."

"It's nothing! It's just I'm the voice and you're the photographer. But I mean sometimes you have ideas..." her voice trailed off and I began to think about Chris again. His smile was just so sweet and his lips looked so soft and kissable...

"Earth to Annie!!" Meg screamed directly in my face. Ugh, sometimes she was just a pain in the butt. "Whatcha thinking about? Gay porn?" she asked in a snappy tone.

"Hilarious, but no," I stately flatly as I sat back in my chair after I finished setting up. Alone. "I've been kinda into this new guy lately, he's really kind and I really like him. The thing is he's in some metal band and he's not what I would call usually my type, but he's amazing and I can't stop think about him he's constantly on my mind and I just want him to hug me and hold me close and kiss me and tell me that everything's going to be alright," I rambled on and as the words tumbled out I missed him.

"Whoa, serious case of the love bug over here! That's so cute though I think you should just man up and tell him all the things that you're feeling. Maybe he feels the same way?" she suggested, giving me an odd glance.

"Well, I would, but I've only known him for two days and at first I hated him and now all I want to do is spend all my time with him. I feel like a love sick idiot," I sighed as I hung my head in shame. How the hell could this be happening me?

"Well, I would you give you more advice but we actually have to work! Alright, rob? Can I call you that?" Meg asked, and rob zombie nodded his head. I barely looked up, I was just lovesick glum. "Okay, why don't you get on that unicorn statue and Annie, take good shots. Alright, here we go!"

********later on that day********

"Alright, that's a wrap!" I shouted excitedly, ready to leave and just be alone. "Oh and Meg? Thanks for being a dear and agreeing to clean up everything, that's so sweet!" I said as I grabbed my car keys and left out the door. I was ready for this day. I wish I could go back to this morning with Chris at the beach.

I drove home and decided to play some classic punk, the Ramones. I was rocking out on my 20 minute ride home, and then turned my car around. I needed food, let's bulk up on junk food and wallow like they do in the movies.

I went to Dominick's, got a cart and decided to go straight to the bakery section. Chocolate chip cookies or sugar cookies? Who cares, I'm getting them both. Then I continued to find mini donuts, getting both the glazed and the powdered sugar. Off to the ice cream row! I walked down slowly and decided to get as much weird flavored Ben and Jerry's as I could. I grabbed 8 pints and thought if I needed anything else. Vodka, of course! I walked down to the alcohol row and picked out some bottles of marshmallow vodka. Then I saw the answer to my prayers, spiced whiskey! I ran over and grabbed to bottles kissing them both until I heard soft giggles behind me.

"Alcoholic much?" a familiar, cocky voice muttered sarcastically. I felt my face get hot as I decided to turn around and see who it is.

"Oh, hey Ricky didn't think I'd see you again," I stated flatly as I placed the bottles of whiskey in my cart.

"Having a nice party tonight? Ooh, lots of junk food and alcohol. It'd be my kind of party if everyone was also in their underwear," he said while giving me a pedophile wink. I shuddered to think what kind of people he hung around. I wonder if Chris is into that stuff...

And just as I thought of him, he appears with that gorgeous smile, lanky body and kind eyes. "Hey Annie, didn't think I'd run into you here," Chris said with a sincere smile. I then felt way more self-conscious and nervously tugged on the bottom of my shirt.

"Hey Chris, it's good to see you," I said, smiling back probably the shade of a tomato. Then I realized how much junk food was in my cart and I felt like a fat pig. Ugh, that's probably how Chris views me now...

"Well, it was cool seeing you and all, but we gotta go to a party. See ya soon, and tell your sister I said hey," he said with a wink as he grabbed a bottle of Jameson whiskey and went to the checkout counter.

"Sorry I have to go," Chris said with a shy smile, "but hopefully I'll see you soon?" I smiled back and nodded, biting my lip and instantly regretted that I didn't ask him to stay as soon as he walked away.

A/N: oh my goodness! Thank you to everyone reading my story it means the world to me! Please comment and vote, its super awesome when you guys do!

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