chapter 2

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Chapter 2

          As we got onto the highway Lily kept pestering me incessantly with the most ridiculous questions, like did you guys kiss or does he have your number and so on.

          “You do have to admit that he is soooo dreamy up close! And so is Ricky! They’re so amazing omygosh…” her fangirling trailed off as I started to tune her out a bit, tired of hearing this over and over.  

          “Please Lily, shut the fuck up,” I stated in a serious voice as we travelled down the highway. I put on my ‘chill out’ playlist and All Apologies by Nirvana came on first. Soon, after what felt like a super long drive we arrived at home and we walked up to my apartment. “You can sleep on the couch tonight,” I stated, whilst yawning and grabbing some pillows and blankets for Lily.

          “Ok. Goodnight sissy, see ya in the morning,” she said, then plopped on the couch. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Holy hell, did I look like a mess! I grabbed my pajamas off the bathroom counter and put on my red Soffee shorts and a white tank top. I washed my now smeared make up off and put my hair into a bun atop my head. Once I left the bathroom I looked over to see Lily fast asleep on the couch, still in her clothes. I smiled to myself, then grabbed my phone and went into my room. I checked to see if I had any messages and I looked to see it was from a number I didn’t have set as a contact. It read:

+134265789940: hey Annie, its Chris I just wanted to let you know that I had an amazing time with you tonight. I can’t wait to see you again

          Oh my gosh, I can’t believe Chris texted me! I smiled and saved his number in my phone, then crawled into my bed and fell into the best sleep I had in a long time.

*****the next morning******

          I arose, and looked at the clock. 8:30. Lily probably wasn’t up, so I went into the shower. After I finished my shower I got dressed in a Ramones t-shirt and short tie dyed black and white jean shorts. I decided I wasn’t going to impress anyone today and put my long blond in a sock bun. I put on some light make up and went out to see lily up and texting someone with a huge grin.

          “That better not be Ricky, because I’m not taking the fall when mom and dad get angry about your infatuation with a 24 year old,” I said, flashing a grin.

          She giggled before she could get any words out of her mouth. She didn’t even try to deny it because I could read her like a book. “And so what if I am? We’re just friends, no big whoop,” she said, giggling like a maniac after reading his latest text.

          “Oh? And what’s so funny?” I asked, because he didn’t seem like the kind of guy who cracked many jokes.

          “You wouldn’t understand,” she said, laughing harder and harder as she tried to speak to me. I stuck my tongue out at her and looked at my phone. Shit! I didn’t text Chris back!

A: hey and I also had a ton of fun hanging last night, it was cool to get to know the ‘real you’

C: oh and do you think you have me all figured out?

A: not yet… but I’m close

C: oh ok, I believe that. Are you free now? Cuz we could grab breakfast and you could figure me out more :P

          I considered my options. I could hang out with my sister who was too busy texting that creepy Ricky guy, or could go out with an amazing metal singer…

A: sure. IHOP cool with you?

C: totally, meet around 11

          Shit, it’s like 10:30 and I look like crap. I quickly rushed back to my room and changed my shirt to a black lacy tank top and I took my hair down. I left it in its natural waves and decided that was good enough. I grabbed my car keys and yelled, “Bye!” before walking out the door. And of course the Ricky-lover couldn’t be torn away from her phone to notice I was gone.

you're fucking beautiful, just the way you are (a Chris Motionless Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now