Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

        Chris and I started walking towards the beach, our hands interlaced and we found an area near the back. We sat on the sand and just sat there quietly, looking at the ocean wave’s crash on the shore. As people passed by us they stared a bit, and at first I became self-conscious, but then got use to it. I wonder how Chris feels when all these people stare at him...

        “So, I mean you know what I do with my life. What’s your job?” Chris asked, breaking the silence between us.

        I turned to look at him and said, “I’m a freelance model and artist. Don’t laugh at me, I’m just weird.”

        Chris laughed and said, “Don’t worry about it, that’s super cool. Are you like a painter? Or like drawing or like nude sculpturing? I mean, I want to know this creativity.”

        I laughed with him, and he seemed genuinely interested in my work. “Ok I am not a nude model or sculpture, but I do paint and I love photography. I like to make art that makes people think or something that scares them.”

        “Well that’s pretty surprising, I took you as more of a shy sweet girl, not the one to go and scare people,” Chris said, giggling.

        I laughed and smiled at him while shaking my head, and I noticed how sweet he was. Chris was much different than I thought he would be, much kinder. “So, how’s your band? I mean I’ve only heard some songs, I mean they’re really good I mean uh I don’t know what I’m saying anymore,” I said, getting nervous. Chris was making me really nervous, and he was so kind and gorgeous. I was starting to get really nervous.

        Chris kept laughing and touched my shoulder. “It’s totally fine I understand what you’re trying to say. Well, being in our band is really fun and there’s a lot of interesting adventures.”

        “Oh I see how it is, lots of sex, drugs, and rock and roll,” I said, winking although I seriously hoped that wasn’t his lifestyle.

        “Oh fuck no! I’m such a straight edge I don’t do anything like that,” Chris said, while rolling his eyes. “I can’t believe you’d think I’d be like that.”

        “I mean, I don’t know how the rocker life style works I mean that’s what it used to be,” I said while giggling. He laughed back and soon we just relaxed and watched the beach.

        While sitting there relaxing my phone went off loudly, blaring Skinny Love by Bon Iver. I knew it was Meg, my best friend just from the ringtone. I rolled my eyes and said, “I have to take this sorry,” while I stood up and answered it. “Hey Meg, what’s up?”

        “Oh my god, you need to get to the studio ASAP because we have that Rob Zombie shoot in an hour! You have to show up what the fuck will I do without you?!” she screeched through the phone so loudly that I had to move my phone away from my ear.

        I rolled my eyes and said, “ok, ok don’t freak because I will be there soon, don’t worry.” I walked back over to Chris and he saw he was on his phone mouthing ‘what the fuck’ after everything he read. I walked over and tapped him on the shoulder, startling him a bit. He stood up and I said, “I’m sorry, I have to go I have some important thing to do that totally slipped my mind. But I had an amazing time with you and we totally have to hang out another time.”

        Chris faked a smile and I could tell he was upset about what had happened earlier to him made him angry. “Yea,” he said clearing his throat and then smiled genuinely, “I also had an amazing time. Sorry there’s just some bad stuff going on,” he said.

        “I sorry to hear,” I said and leaned in to give him a hug. I squeezed him gently and notice how nice he smelled like strawberries. He squeezed me back and we pulled away after a little while to see people gawking at us, probably judging us. I rolled my eyes, and reached for his hand as we walked towards our cars. “Alright, bye Chris. I’ll see you soon,” I said while getting into my car.

        Chris smiled back and said, “Bye Annie, have fun at your shoot,” while walking to his car.

        As I pulled away I started to wish that I didn’t have this photo shoot and that I had to leave Chris. I really liked him so much now, it was driving me crazy. What the fuck happened to me?

A/N: sorry it’s such a short chapter I had like no inspiration for this chapter. And Chris motionless does smell super nice! Vote and comment it would mean the world to me

you're fucking beautiful, just the way you are (a Chris Motionless Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now