Writing Contest Winners!

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Before I start, let me just say I am furious at all of you for making the decision for these contests so flipping hard. 

You are all amazingly talented and made me laugh with your submissions until I had to run to the bathroom. You made me snort and cry so much, I'm pretty sure Winter thinks I'm mentally insane.

But, of course, it only comes down to three and only one of those winners get their chapter published- in other words, there can be only one. 

To be honest, since I read all of your entries, I already had first place and second place picked out. I read the top two and knew deep down in my tar black soul that they were winning material. But then, I had to re-read so many chapters to try and figure out third place. Because honestly, I couldn't decide. I kept going back and forth between different people until finally, I settled on a third place winner.

And that particular person who (thankfully) ended my struggle of choosing is:

Thecoldboringguy157! Honestly, the entire time I was reading his chapter my little History geek heart was exploding with joy. His chapter has about Historical books on Wattpad and their inaccuracies, and I really enjoyed it!

So again, thank you to Thecoldboringguy157 for putting a smile on my face and for writing the coolest chapter ever!

Now, like I said before, I had second place picked out as soon as I read the chapter. Of course, I had to wait for it forever- but it was 100% worth it. And second place goes to my dear friend (who kept me on my toes waiting for it's release) ForTheRebellion

Her chapter was about Getting Reads on Wattpad and was hilarious. I scared Winter from laughing so loud. Of course, since I talk with ForTheRebellion all the time, I was waiting every day for her to finish her chapter so I could read it- I was so exited. Even though you kept me in suspense (in which I am still bitter), I still love you friend :-)

Okay, now for first place. When I read this chapter I literally loved it so much it was automatically my top pick. This winning chapter (that will be published in this book sometime when I have a big ass glass of mint tea and the time to copy it) is written by x_blueberry_xx  with the help her friend SourApple888! Their chapter is about Contests On Wattpad. 

Which I find not only perfect but painfully ironic. 

So, thank you to x_blueberry_xx and SourApple888 for writing such a perfect, entertaining chapter! It'll be published sometime over the next week, I promise.

And after that, I can start writing again! I have to admit, having a break was nice. It was like a birthday vacation. Of course, I'm not ready to retire- I'll save that for when I get hitched. 

If that'll ever happen. I have high hopes, though. Hopes as high as the ocean is deep.

Anyways, now I'm ready to get back in the saddle with my mint tea, my new obsession.

But Marvel will always be my #1 obsession. Mint tea comes second.

I am doing another tag chapter right now while I write a chapter out because I think you guys like those? Although if you don't like them them... well, I do, so screw your opinions. 

I'm just kidding, I'd never screw you. 


Unless you were hot;-)




Damn, I've never felt so smooth as I do right now. 

Anyway, until I actually update for once in my lifetime, congrats to the winners! ForTheRebellion, be expecting some random memes to come your way. Also, I'm going to be making a thing where people can sign up to receive memes for the following week because I have no life and it sounds fun.

So be expecting that soon.

Until next time, 


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