Types Of Comments On Wattpad

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Comments are useful when it comes to discussing a story, putting your thoughts out to the public, or even just saying hello to someone. But we all know there are comments that are particular funny, offensive, or just enjoyable. 

So, here are seven types of common comments on Wattpad.

ONE: THE TEASER COMMENT. This comment is simple, since it's legit just one word. 


Story: And then, without hesitating, he jumped- and at that moment, she lost everything. Her lover, her friend, her family. What would she do?

Comment: lol.

You never really know what it means, but it always seems to be awkward. However, there are millions of people who do this, and it means a different thing to each and every one of them. In the end, it's not that big of a deal. It's just interesting. 

TWO: THE SCIENTIFIC COMMENT. We all know these. The giant, long, unnecessary essay about why this person could not have done that because of gravity- or something like that. Not only are these most of the time hilarious, but they also leaving you wondering how this person's mind works. 


Story: Captain America ate a salad from Wendy's. 

Comment: Well, I don't know, this is pretty sketchy. I mean, we all know Captain America is a super solider, right? I would imagine that he would need to eat more than just a salad to keep himself healthy. Calories and all that. When he was given that muscle syrup back in 1940's, I'm sure the doctor man with fluffy hair gave him some sort of instruction manual that gave him a diet plan. I guess this just killed the mood for me; I don't want to see Captain eating a salad. It's not realistic. I'm not even sure Wendy's can exist in the MCU, since it's copyrighted. I don't think Captain America will ever eat a salad from Wendy's and I don't think it's 'funny' or 'cute' that he did. 

These comments are always fun to read, even though the person writing them was either being dead serious or trying to be funny. Either way, these are always enjoyable.

THREE: THE REFERENCE COMMENTS. No need to explain much here- these are the comments that consist of every single fandom pointing out any possible reference made. If you didn't catch it, don't worry- someone else did, and they got your back. 


Story: Rio jumped with joy. "Mr. Moseby isn't here- I can run in the lobby!" She shouted and ran through he lobby so fast, her parents should have named her Barry Allen. 


Yeah, we've all commented this type of comment at least once. And if you haven't, then you're lying. 

FOUR: THE CRINGE COMMENTS. These comments are usually found in fan fiction- and it's not a rare type of comment. These are the types of comments that are made by fangirls/boys in the middle of a fan attack- and don't blame them, they weren't sane when they hit the 'okay' button. 

Story: Oliver Queen glanced down at Felicity with his piercing blue eyes and smiled. 


I can't say I haven't done this a few times, so we're moving on. 

FIVE: THE POLITIC COMMENTS. I know I'm not the only who's seen this type of comment. A person could be having a nice conversation, or just posted a sweet little side note when someone comes and brings up politics like an ape. 

Not only is it annoying, but it's pretty hard to deal with- since anything you say, they will disagree with it, and they will make you feel like a retard. And more than likely, it's a long conversation that you sort of enjoy watching from the sidelines. 


Comment: Wow, I loved this chapter! Building the wall was a good idea, since now the Empire can't get to the Rebellion! Good job, Han and Leia:-)

Reply: The wall was a good idea? Freaking heck- you're a Trump supporter, aren't you? Gosh, people like you are why this country is going to go up in flames. 

Reply2: Well, no, I was talking about the story, not real life.

Reply: Oh, okay, so you're good with the fact Trump is going to deport all Mexicans and Muslims? Freaking heck. 

Reply2: He can't deport any Mexicans or Muslims that are legal citizens of the US, only the illegal ones. All the Muslims and Mexicans who are legal are just fine. He's just making sure the good, legal people stay and the bad ones go away. 

Reply: Oh, right, that's an excuse for closing the borders and not letting anyone in?

Reply2: No, actually, he's going to close the borders- but people can still get through. It's like checking people at the door of the club to make sure they're cool before going in. People can still come in, including Mexicans and Muslims.

Reply: Right, right, lies. I bet you hate gays.

Reply2: I am gay. 

Reply: This country is going to go up in flames!

Reply2: Last time I checked, Trump wasn't the one on the streets protesting by setting things on fire, trespassing, punching people, and breaking glass windows with rocks.


These comments are all messed up all over, but they still make you laugh out loud. 

NUMBER SIX: THE NORMAL COMMENT: These are just normal, fun, comments that everyone sees every day. 


Story: And Ben kissed me unlike anyone had ever kissed me before.

Comment: Awe, that's cute:-) I wish I had a Ben in my life:-(

NUMBER SEVEN: THE FUNNY COMMENT. This comment is pretty fun to read- since these are to conspiracy theorists. And they are really freaking funny.


Story: "But I knew him." Bucky cries, breaking the heart of thousands across the world with one single line. "I knew him!"

Hydra laughs. They are sons of guns."Hey, buddy, we do know him, too." They snort, and they brainwash him again and this scene continues to make everyone sob. 

Comment: They know him, too? Like, personally? What, is Captain America a Hydra agent too? What's next, a comic book that says Captai- OH SHOOT NO I WASN'T READY SCREW MARVEL

And that concludes the seven types of comments on Wattpad. I'm pretty spent since I spent all morning sitting in class writing like a maniac, but I still liked this chapter because I got to use bold and italic a lot muahahaha. 

Until next time....I'm running out of quotes already.


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