Part 26

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I slowly sit up from my side with a small groan.
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
Chris came back with a black eye and looked at Samantha's cage smiling a bit softly. "Heya~
Looks like sleeping beauty's awake! This should be entertaining~ how long will it take for you to
freak out."
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
My eyes open and I glance around...
I see the giant come in...
I go to the bars of the cage and wrap my hands around the bars.
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
"What's wrong? Too scared to speak? Don't be...I'm not gonna hurtcha sell ya maybe...who
knows." He said with a small frown looking, unsure himself. "Look, Sam. I'm probably the worse
guy ever but, explain to me something why do you even hang out with the Roses?"
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
I look down.....
I close my eyes when he says sold..... A single tear rolls, unseen....
My eye snap open. "You've been watching me havent you!?"I say, raising my head quickly
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
Chris nodded and scratched his head. "Yeah...of course. Your pretty and you definitely know
how to sing. Your valuable and I need a way to keep myself from sleeping with
wouldn't understand." He sighed and gently patted her head with a fingertip.
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
"Pfft yeah only to giants I evidently am..."
"I guess your gonna make people pay to watch me?"
"Yeah? And you wouldnt understand me either"
I shove his finger, stepping back from the bars.(edited)
Gumikati - 05/16/2017

"Heh...looks like we're not different. But yeah...Doll, people are going to watch you but, once I'm
done you're free...alright." He chuckled a bit when she shoved his finger away.
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
I turn around/away from him...." can I trust you,huh? How do I know you will keep that
promise? do I know you arent tricking me......just like my peers in my town......"I say,
hugging my arms, going to the opposite side of the cage...
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
He shrugged and said gently with a smile. "Well, cause I have no reason to keep you anymore
and I'm screwed either even of I keep you. So...You don't know you just hope." He said gently
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
I sigh...."I guess so"
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
Chris nodded and gently smiled again. He jumped a bit when he heard knocking and took
Samantha out of her cage and stuffed her into his jacket. "Be quiet Sam. This guys might kill
me." He opened the door and was met by Two tall intimidating guys. He quickly handed money
to them and gave a nervous smile in reply he got a pat on the head and watched as they left.
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
I make a startled noise when im suddenly grabbed.... I whimper slightly
I curl up in the corner of the pocket, trying to get as far into it as I can.... I stay quiet....
I hear the door open.....I wait
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
Chris closed the door and took her out petting, her soothingly. "Shhhh...they're gone and your
safe now." He said with a soft tone and continued to pet her. He may be an asshole sometimes
but, he knows how to calm someone down.
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
I try to dodge his hand but I fail..
((How did he pull me out? Waist? Scooped up?))
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
I struggle and squirm slightly when im lifted out.... I keep my head down.... I shudder lightly
when petted..... But I slowly calm down....a bit.......
I feel him pet my hood down.... My strawberry blonde curly waves are free....
((Free the curls!XD ))
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
Chris watched and gently stroked her hair. "Nice hair. It's pretty and for once not red..." he
snickered a bit at his obviously terrible joke that was a bit insensitive to his exs that would love
his head right now. "Hey! You want me to tell you what's funny? Ben or Leo hasn't noticed
anything yet and all I need to do is get more money and then I'm done. Looks like god still loves
me!" He said in a bitter laugh.
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
((It has red highlights lol that what strawberry blonde is lol))
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
((No like a fully redhead))
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
"T..thanks....."I say.....
He had seen me from far but... He hadnt gotten a close look at my face....
I sigh.....
"No offense but if I was your size.. I would be pulling you by the ear."
I hope for your sake they havent"
"I will trust you... Not like I have much choice anyway"
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
Chris nodded and smiled. "Don't worry, doll you'll be alright. I work at a bar so your just making
me side money and nobody will see you so you won't get any stage fright or shit like that."
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
A thought comes to my head. "Heh..." I chuckle softly at the thought I have.(edited)
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
"What? Don't tell me you already have a escape plan..." he said with knowing smile. "You'll use
brute force and hurt me in some type of way or hope that Ben or Leo goes to that bar."
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
Heh, it's not that "I chuckle
"I just thought of a song because you called me doll, which im not"
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
"Oh, mmmmm...that's nice and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want me to call you by your name
cause you hate me right now and I shouldn't say your name because I don't deserve too or
some sappy shit like that." He said with a roll of his eyes.
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
I sigh...."i dont.....hate just uneasy I guess.... I don't know....
"Or.... How about we redo intoductions? I don't even know your name."
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
"I'm Chris. I'm the guy that your mother warns you about and constantly tells you to avoid
alleyways because of dudes like me." He said smirking a bit.
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
I read in the guy that your mother- and thought he was gonna say something worse XD
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
((Lol he would say worse but you look young to him so he's kinda being censored
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
((No I mean I thought he was gonna say he did something to her lol XD lol))
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
((Omg!!! Lol))
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
Ha ha, funny ((fun-knee)"I say sarcastically. I raise my head and look at him
"And Im Samantha, the girl that every human my age picked on."
((Eye level?))
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
((Yeah but close enough to punch his nose))
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
Lol to punch?))
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
Chris laughed a bit. "Ohhhh, that age. That sucks...well at least you can say that you have a
giant body guard. Heh...also me and Leo used to be friends...he hates me now and so does Ben
so that's why I'm kinda on my own."(edited)
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
Yeah..... Even when I was little....but anyways.....What did you even do?"I ask
Be? Lol ben))
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
"Something that makes a 24 year old like me wake up in the middle of the night in tears.
Anyway you ready to sing my little songbird." He had to quickly change the subject.
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
"Oh..... I'm sorry..."
"I...I guess so... And you can call me sam... We are...'acquaintances' "
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
"Yeah...anyways you can just go into my pocket so we can go to the bar. Also don't be that loud
cause they're are a lot of angry drunks there." He said and put her in his inner jacket pocket and
started to head out.
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
I slowly nod."alright chris.."I say...
I sit in the corner again...
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
He opened his door and closed it. Locking it and started to head to his bar that was basically his
home. The name of it was starlights and glitter. No. It's nothing Lgbt+ related. It was just named
that for some reason. He walked in and took off his jack and took Samantha out of it and set her
down under the counter. He smiled at her and went in the back to put on his black vest and
white button up. He came out and popes his collar getting ready for the wave of people that
came in.
I watch as im picked up by the waist and put under the counter. I wait for him to return...I peek
up at him.... He looked nice in the vest..
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
(You know lesbian gay bi trans)
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
Oh ok?))
What it got to do with the name?))
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
Chris served the first customer and asked if they wanted any sort of song to listen too. They
asked for Big girls don't cry and he said that was 10$ then. Good thing they had the money on
them and Chris ducked under the counter and gently poked Samantha whispering too her the
song to sing. He already had the beat ready to play.
((That's just how his thoughts are))
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
I sigh softly and begin to sing the song.
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
Chris watched as the customer was satisfied with the song and watched as they went away and
sat on a table to watch what was on the T.V. He looked down at Samantha and crouched a bit.
"Yo, Sam are you hungry in any sorta way or thirsty?" He didn't want her to be hungry or thirsty
when she was singing just so she doesn't faint or some shit like that.
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
((I personally don't know the song by heart lol))
I thought someone said shit lol XD))
My stomach grumbles
"Soda, water....fries maybe?"I say
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
((Oh that word was there lol XD))
SammiGamer - 05/16/2017
Gumikati - 05/16/2017
Chris nodded and took out some fries and water in a cap. He looked up when he heard Ben and
Leo coming in and ducked down. He put a finger up to his mouth so, she knew that it was time
to be quiet. He looked up and greeted the men with a tight smile. "What can I get you

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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