Part 24

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SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
I sigh....It had been a while since I had some alone time/time alone.......
I knew the boys wouldn't want me walking off...but oh well...
I search for a pencil and paper in the human size stuff. I write a note and put it on the table. I put
my hood up and head outside. I walk and hum for a bit. I begin to sing. )))
Undertale [Flowerfell] Secret Garden - Epic Emotional Orchestral Arrangement Cover【Roze &
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
Chris watched as Samantha walked outside and made sure to not make any noise. He grinned
widely when he started to hear this human sing, now that was a huge plus for the human cause
he might not sell her to some type of slave owner. Yes...Chris is a horrible giant and he knows
this but, needs to do it anyway or he could let this one go and hope his debts doesn't end
him...But that would be a huge miracle and quite not what he deserves soooo...maybe he'll just
take this one and keep her as a songbird or whatever. He chuckled a bit and looked at the
human again following her.
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
(( Its like I need to be horrible or the debts I owe will kill me))
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
((Lmao yeah))
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
Perfect! A songbird!))
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
((Yep! He might as well keep you lmao))
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
I am unaware I was being followed.....
Nor do I know he had been watching me for quite a while now(edited)
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
Chris finally came out when she was pretty far from the house that Leo and Ben dwelled in. He
stood behind her being quite tall in general. He kneeled down and said with a smooth,
charismatic, tone. "What's a nice lady like you walking around in this part of the forest?" He
quirked a eyebrow too and scratched the side of his face with his nails and gave a soft smile to
coat up his already attractive features.
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
I feel the ground shake a bit when he gets close.... I gulp.... I keep my arms on my sides....
I slowly turn around... I take a few steps back.. . "J..just taking a walk... n..needed some alone
time ...ya know? But I guess its not anymore... Heh..."
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
Chris laughed a bit and gently shrugged a bit too. "Oh sorry about that! Just wanted to make
sure a cute girl like you doesn't get kidnapped. There are a lotta of giants here that would take
you in a quick second. Good thing I'm not like those other giant. I respect humans and what they
do. But could I accompany you on your walk." He gave a wide charismatic smile that screamed
'I'm a good guy'.(edited)
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
((Gets kidnapped?))
((Dont you mean doesnt?))
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
((Sorry :joy:))
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
((Lol XD im gonna make sure a girl like you gets kidnapped.
W-what?! Lol XD ))(edited)
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
((Lmao yeah))
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
I flinch slightly at the sudden laugh. I get suspicious when he says kidnapped...... Most giants
wouldnt have said that...
Although I had to give it to him... He was charming to say the least.
"Y..yeah that is good but I'm afraid I must be going so no thank you, I appreciate the offer
though."I say.
I keep my eyes on him.
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
Chris nodded and started to frown a bit. 'Shit! Fuck! She's starting to leave looks like I'll be the
bad guy!' He quickly pounced on Samantha and quickly covered her with his hands. He
scooped her up and pushed her down with too fingers. "Look doll, I know your probably angry
but, some guys need to do bad things to stay alive ya feel me?" He said with a mocking tone
and smirked a bit too.
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
I sadly wasnt fast enough to get out of the way....
The thumb pinned me. I struggle and squirm slightly......"yes I do" i smirk
" but..... No as much as your gonna feel this!" I had my dagger. I stab upward under the thumb.
It stabbed the pad of the thumb.
I wouldnt lose my blade this time though...
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
Chris took his thumb off of her and brought it up to his mouth to suck the blood off of it.
"Well,well...looks like girly here knows how to fuck a guy up, eh?" He chuckled a bit and practically nuzzled her but, quickly pulled his face away from her. To avoid that fucking sharp
blade. "But, you got a boy of any kind cause I'm not in the mood to fight a human or giant."
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
((Is he asking if I have a guy?))
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
((Yeah like do you have a boyfriend? Or husband or anything like that))
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
((He know ben and leo right since he has been watching me for a while.))
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
((Yeah he knows them but he doesn't think they're ur boyfriend or whatever))
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
Ah but he is gonna do it either way since its night lol)(
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
((What does that mean? Lmao I no comprendé
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
He is gonna take me either way))(edited)
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
((Lmao yeah))
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
I take a breath, sit up quickly, my hood is still up..... I scoot back when he brings his face to
me/me to his face.....
I was ready to cut him if he tried any funny business... But im surprised when he nuzzles me?
" but ben and leo will look for me so you might as well let me go."
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
Chris rolled his eyes and sighed deeply. "So your saying the fucking Rose brothers have taken
a fucking goddamn liking to you well that just makes my life so much harder! But naw girly imma
fucking keep since the goddamn behemoth Ben ain't that smart and Leo got his own family to
worry about so he'll overlook shit." He said with a huge smirk that screamed 'IM A ASSHOLE'.
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
My hand tightens its grip on the dagger...I glare but it cant be seen. I stab his palm as payback
for him calling them that. "You don't know a thing!"(edited)
Gumikati - 05/15/2017
Chris rolled his eyes a bit and sneered at her. "Whatever I'm guessing you heard that they are
legitimate freaks o- Ow! What the hell! Jesus fucking christ! That actually hurt!" He gently
pinched Samantha's arms together and took the dagger. "Look I'll give this back to you when
you stop being a lil piece of shit! Alright? Girly!" He said with a frown.
SammiGamer - 05/15/2017
"Good you deserve it for being a judgement jerk! You don't even know them personally, so you
have NO right to say that!"
I struggle and squirm when he held my arms together.

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