Part 16

407 5 12

SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
My eyes widen lightly. I gulp." not sure if I should when ben isnt here...... He might assume
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Leo nodded and gently patted Gregg's head. "Yeah Ben might freak out..." Gregg looked at Leo
and was trying to remember who Ben was. "Who's Ben?" Leo looked away for a second. "Your
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
I tickle gregg to try and change topic.
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Gregg laughed and kissed Samantha on the nose. He smiled and felt Tony tugging on his shirt.
He ran with Tony and went to play outside and was escorted by Leo.
Ben was starting to come in and stretched a bit as he opened the door waving, a little to Leo's
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
I giggle and kiss gregg's forehead and ruffle his hair.
I watch them go out to play with leo.
I see ben open the door and wave to the kids
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben looked at Samantha and laid down near her, but he was really silent and looked out of it.
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
"B.. Ben? You okay?"
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben looked at Samantha and smiled weakly. "Life sucks sometimes and I'm just trying to take a
break from it."
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
Oh...okay"i say. "I.. I can go and let you rest if you want''
Ben stops her. "Please don't leave me...just stay here with me..."
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
I was about to go but stop.
I turn towards him.
"O...okay I will stay right here."
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben nods and starts to go to sleep with his head close to Samantha.
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
"Ben wanna at least get to your bed? "I ask, giggling
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben nodded and crawled upstairs to his room nudging, the door open with his head and crawled
inside throwing himself onto his bed.
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
I laugh, following behind him.
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben looks at Samantha and smiles. He was sleepy and out of it. "Samantha I like your tummy
rubs so much that I'm going to stuff myself silly so can rub my big tummy..." at the last part he
fell asleep with a smile.
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
I cant help but giggle
((Um did he lift me onto the bed?))
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
((It's alright!)))
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
I lay on his pillow and curl up a bit
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben started to snore loudly and managed to bring Samantha closer to his neck and snuggled
against her gently.
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
I squeak a bit startled.... I relax though when im snuggled
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben kept a hand near as if he was keeping her from rolling off the pillow.
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
I yawn slightly, soon falling asleep afterwards
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
The sun was seeping into Ben's usual dim-lit room. He might've forgot to close the curtains
today. He did however remember his promise that he might go through with. His eyes opened
up slightly and looked down at Samantha. God...sleeping actually felt great to him.
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
What promise?))
I am happily snoozing away
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
((To get a stomach ache on purpose so Samantha can rub it :joy:))
Ben was starting to gather up as much food as he could to make that promise come true mostly
to himself. So he just ate alone in the woods like a weirdo.
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
Lol XD ))
I soon slowly open my eyes and see that bens not there
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben was stuffed to the brim and walked back into his room closing, the door softly. "Hey,
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
I look over."m..morning ben"
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben nodded and gently rubbed his gurgling stomach that showed as if he ate a basketball. He
leaned against the bed and sighed. "Morning Samantha."
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
I sigh"what did you do mr?"
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
"I ate to get a big tummy and a belly rub." Ben chuckles a bit. "Plus i was really hungry..."
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
I cant help but laugh.
"Your silly"
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben nods and belches a bit. He pats his swollen stomach and laughs. "Yeah..."
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
"Excuse you"
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben nods and groans. "I'm sorry bout that I'm so bloated and disgusting...bleh."
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
I sigh. And go and rub
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben blushes a bit and nods apologetically. "I'm sorry so sorry...that I'm a fucking dumb puppy at
times." He does purr a little bit.
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
I forgive ya bud"
Gumikati started a call.04/16/2017
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
((What the?))
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben nods a bit and smiles. " least ((my tablet gliched like a asshole)) I didn't stuff myself
all the way."
((Sometimes i fucking hate it))
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
((Lol XD))
That's good ben"
Gumikati - 04/16/2017
Ben laughed and gently licked his lips. "Is it bad I'm still hungry?"
SammiGamer - 04/16/2017
"A bit yes"
April 17, 2017
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben laughed again and he smiled and licked his lips. " hunger is beyond me
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I giggle lightly
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben gently picks up Samantha and nuzzles her. He licks her slightly.
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I giggle at the affection
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben nods and smiles. "you are so fucking cute!" He squealed a bit and nuzzled her more.
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I blush"t..thanks ben"
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben nods and places you on top of his chest while his stomach gurgles away. "I'm happy I met
you...that shows i still am lucky."
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
Hehe im glad to ben"i say with a smile
Ben smirks and kisses her on the top of her head. He smirks slightly and grows a little bit so he
takes up a good amount of his room.
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I squeak lightly, not expecting it...
"I hope you locked the door"
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben nods. "Of course I locked the door. Even if I didn't nobody walks into my room anyway." He
chuckles a bit and brings Samantha closer to his face.
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I watch as im pulled closer to his face. I look at his large face infront of me.
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben looked at her with a huge smile and gently stroked her back.
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I relax a bit when my back is stroked by a finger of the now one large hand behind me.(edited)
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben was smiling softly and kinda liked the feeling of the sorta domestically way of his life. He
stopped and looked up a bit. "I aways wondered what would I do if i was a human sized."
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
"Well hehe I would be able to properly hug you"(edited)
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben nodded with a smile. "What would you do if you were my height?"
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
...I would be afraid to touch anything.... And I would probably be curled up in a corner...soooo
You missed a call from Gumikati.04/17/2017
SammiGamer started a call.04/17/2017
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
((God fucking dammit my fucking tablet won't stop calling you!!!!!!))
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
You keep pressing it lol XD))
It wants to call me))
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
((No like it wants to call you have the time cause it'll mess up the screen and glitch near the call
((:triumph::rage::rage::rage::rage: i swear to god I'll have ta fix my sensitivity)))
((And its just u too like I'll be talking to someone else and nothing will happen)))
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
What you don't wanna call me ? XD))
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
((I'm suppose to be doing my work now...:sweat_smile::joy::joy::joy: im multitasking lol))
((The weekend is the greatest time for me lol))
((To call anyone cause my parents are less suspicious))
Ben laughed and nodded." I don't blame would be cute if I could be smaller then usual."
((Im sorry by the way if that caught you way off guard by the way and also if it seemed like I
don't want to call you.))
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
Lol Its ok XD ))
I laughed "maybe"I wink
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben looks at her for a second. "I might be able to make that thought a reality..."
"Is it okay if i did?"
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
As long as you can change back and forth I would be fine"
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben nods and gently puts Samantha down. He closes his eyes and concentrates enough to
shrink down only to stop when he's 6'2. He gets up and looks around. "Well...that was tiring and
very dizzy..."
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I hug him"there we go"
Im 5ft 3, 1/2
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben patted her back and looked around his room for a second. "Man...I should really clean up
next time."
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
(( I thought he was gonna comment gow he is still taller XD))
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
((I know right :joy:))
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
Lol XD))
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I end the hug."heh probably"
I end the hug."heh probably"
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben laughed and looked down at Samantha. "Hmmmm...I'll get a more smaller since I'm still
taller then you...." he concentrated again over did it just a little bit to much and ended up 6in.
"Wow...I'm a idiot..."
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
My widen and I run to a corner.
"Nope nope nope nope"
Im sit in a corner
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben looked around and ran after Samantha. "Look I'll initiate what you can do." He looks up at
her and smiles comfortingly.(edited)
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
(( he is 6 inches how can he be rubbing my back when my back is against the corner))(edited)
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
((Oh shit i read that wrong lol))
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I cover my eyes"nope....."I whimper, afraid
"I...I told you earlier....."
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben gently nudges her foot and nods. "Yeah I know...i kinda fucked up there all i have to do is
regain my strength...which would mean it takes more then a hour for me to get back to my
regular size... Samantha it's still me just a cuter version." He said trying to lighten the situation
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
Heh... T..true b..but.....I dont wanna accidentally hurt you"
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
" you would never hurt me...I believe in you. I trust you."
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017 can t..touch me b..but..."
I'm not sure if I can pick you up though...."
Im too nervous"(edited)
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben nods and walks a bit closer, he reaches out a hand and places it on her foot. "I
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I freeze when he touches me.
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben then sat down near Samantha's leg. He gently rubs it.
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I try to relax
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben looks up at Samantha and smiles while he continues to rub her leg.
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I take deep breaths
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben nods and says loudly but, in a comforting way. "Just calm down. You'll be alright."
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I manage to say
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben then climbs onto Samantha's leg and goes closer to her.
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I stay completely still
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben smiled and climbed all the way to her stomach to nuzzle against it purring like a kitten.
SammiGamer - 04/17/2017
I freeze. It was so cute........
Gumikati - 04/17/2017
Ben looks up at Samantha and smiles
"It's okay if you pick me up."
April 18, 2017
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
My hands shake lightly
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben smiles again and reaches out for your hands.
"Samantha! Pick me up so i can kiss you!" He smiles wider
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I move my hands away. My face Is RED. I slowly scoop him up gently and lift him up to my
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben leaned forward and gave a big kiss on her nose. "Your so pretty when your red~"
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I blush even more, staying still
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben starts to rub her nose. "Mine..." he smiles a bit and lays on nose.
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I stay completely still
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben starts to purr more and nuzzles the nose too.
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I let him
Im nervous to move
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben looks up and purrs. "Wanna pet me?"
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
"Im o...okay"
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben purrs more and stretches out. "Pwease? Just a little stroke? Please?"
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I slowly take my pinky and slowly pet his back...
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben arches his back against it and purrs more.
"Thank you! Samantha!"
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I blush more
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben reaches up to touch her pinky.
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I let him.I stay still. My pinky is right behind him
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben touches it and grabs onto it nuzzling, it with a little growl.
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I chuckle lightly
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben looks up and stretches more a bit sighs hearing, his back pop and crack
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I force myself to stay still
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
"Samantha it's alright I'm not delicate. I'm quite durable actually..." He chuckles and licks the
pinky nuzzling, it.
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I squeak, flinching light when he suddenly licked my pinky
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben chuckles again and looks at her with a huge smug smile.
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I look embarrassed
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben frowns and looks back at her. "You know I'm not fragile and if you do drop me I won't really
get hurt?"
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I k...know But I dont want to...."
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben looks and nods. "Am i still scary at this size? I would try to get bigger but...I might mess up
my health like that..."
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
How long has it been?"I ask, slowly getting up.
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben clutches on to your finger. "About 42mins...I'm sorry that i fucked up...we wouldn't be in this
mess if i didn't try to go smaller..."
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I..its alright ben."
((I got to his bed...wait its huge lol XD))
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
"It really isn't i was trying to make you comfortable but, obviously I can't even get that fixed...god
I'm so fucking dumb..." he looked at his hands and wiped his face
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
Sorry I was eating))
I stop and go back to the corner and sit down. I slowly hug to my cheek
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
(It's alright))
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben smiled a bit and wiped his eyes and hugged the cheek
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I let him
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben nuzzles against it and whines to get a bit of attention. "Could we do this more? It's quite
nice...but I understand if it makes you uncomfortable."(edited)
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I am))(edited)
Arent I?))
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
((I might've read that wrong lol))
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
Once every other week?....."
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben nods and laughs. "Yeah..."
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
Gumikati - 04/18/2017
Ben licks and kisses her cheek.
SammiGamer - 04/18/2017
I blush brightly

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