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"Michael stop being such a pah-ty poo-pah" Ash said fixing his golden locks in the mirror next to me. His accent is probably the thickest of the four.

"I'm not going we came to be with our friend not our friends friends who are obnoxious as fuck by the way!" He half yells kicking his boots off.

"Language!" I yell, I'm getting so annoyed with the cursing and the bitterness he's given me since we saw each other yesterday. "Fuck, fuck...FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK FUCK FUCK"

"FINE!" I cut him off before he can continue. "Stay! Like I care!" and return to my makeup.

"Okay guys we didn't leave home and come all the way over here just to here mum and dad fight, cool it" Cal says rolling his jeans up, also in preparation for the the party. "Maybe if little miss perfect would stop her nagging we wouldn't have to watch our fucki-"

"Michael! That's enough mate" Luke says stepping towards a red faced Michael.

I give up on the eyeliner and put the pen down.

"I hate your stupid hair cut"

And I walk out of the-actually my hotel room.

I hear them shouting at him , I know Michael doesn't deserve to be yelled at and ganged up on but my feelings are honestly hurt. He never speaks to me like that. Never.

I'm silent in the car , but I decide that once we pull up to the house I let everything that just happened go. Im gonna have fun tonight I am.

Michaels POV ~

Fuck this. Fuck that. Fuck her . Fuck her for leaving without me. Fuck her for staying so calm when I know she wants to yell. Fuck everything.

Fuck the word fuck.

Kelsi makes me so angry when she wants me to hang out with other people.

Wow that's really sad.

And she doesn't like my hair! This is the first new hair I've gotten that she actually doesn't like. Not like I live to please her but it's nice to know she likes something I do. But here I am again pissing her off because I don't want to go to some stupid LA party and be with her.

I'm not gonna lie. We're friends with emotional benefits. I know she likes to be hugged and cuddled and she likes attention. My attention and throws a subtle fit when she doesn't get what she wants. ((She'll never admit it but I bet she's like that in bed if you know what I mean. )) I like her hugs and her hair always smells like cherry blossom shampoo and her body is small and short compared to mine and when I'm just alone with her I know there's no one else at the moment i'd rather be with. But then I go get laid and she falls asleep alone. She's so polite she acts like she's fucking clueless.

I'm just so angry! Kelsi never stops complaining about the lack of time we spend together yet when here I am giving her time and she trades it for time with other people.

I hope she has a terrible time with those other people.

Kelsi's POV ~

10 minutes have gone by and Luke and I have already lost the other 2 that came along with us.

And I'm already scrolling through my phone debating weather or not to apologize. Wait! No I deserve the apology I will never let anyone treat me or talk to me like that.

"Bored ?" Luke asks being awkward because he doesn't know 90% of the people here. I nod my head and scan the room for a familiar face, then I find her, Alexa Losey.

"I love your outfit oh my gosh it's been too long!" she pulls me into a hug , I smell alcohol on her breath even though she's still underage. "I missed you Lex! I was in town thought i'd drop by" she pulls me by the arm through a crowd of people. ((how big is the place anyway)) and I turn around to look at Luke. He's just shrugging allowing me to go ahead with Alexa. I feel slightly guilty leaving him all alone but he'll find Calum and Ash soon enough.

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