I throw on my shades and follow the boys slowly as Devyn tans back with Nik who is sitting under an umbrella. I get to the damp area of sand and bury my toes as the contrast of temperature arouses my senses.

"Ashlyn! Get in here, it's hella nice!" Sam calls, splashing his way over to me on the shore. 

"Yeaaah, Ash, it's so refreshing!" Elton hollers, pointing his go-pro camera at me.

"Is it warm?" I ask, smiling at them. 

"You'll just have to see for yourself!" Sam shouts, and steps back for an odd second. 

Elton yells, "Hit her up boys!"

"What?" I spin around and Brennen and Colby pick me up suddenly. Their cold skin touches my sides and stomach and their fingers send chills... their body temperatures answered how cold it is in the ocean, and I soon find it out as they drag me in and shot me up in the air, into the depths of the blue.

I submerge out of the water and the guys start laughing at me, the water isn't hot nor cold, but it is definitely not to my liking.

"You dicks!" I scream, laughing. 

"How do you like that Ash? I got it all on video too!" Elton laughs.

I brush the hair out of my face with a bit fake anger to exaggerate for the camera.

"Whose fucking idea was it to pick on the only girl and send her flying into cold ass water?"

The guys point at Colby.

Of course. 

Everyone laughs and I sprint to Colby with as much force as I can as the waves pull me back. "I'm gonna get your ass, Brock!"

Colby laughs, "Oh shit!" Then swims the other way. I chase him out the water and he stumbles onto the wet sand. I emerge out and follow right behind him without tripping. He manages to escape and runs down the beach to an area of large boulders. He escapes behind the rocks and I jog towards it. 

I search for Colby, now not knowing where he had gone. "Colby?" I call out.

"Cooolby..."I call again, "Colby?-AH!"

"Shhh!" Colby wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me behind the boulder wall. I giggle, curling my arms towards me as he hugs me into his chest. He kisses my forehead. 

I smile, "Hey, what are you doing?" I place my palms on his bare chest. 

He kisses my cheek, "Kissing you..." Then connects our lips for a long peck. 

"Dude, we're not in the car..." I mumble, blushing at the close contact. 

He unwraps his arms from my waist and goes to sit on the sand and lean on the rock opposite from me. "Fine,...I just wanted to talk with you, kid."

I roll my eyes and sit down, leaning on the rock. "You just wanted to talk?" I smirk.

"You know I don't just want to talk..." He sighs sadly. "But I'm kinda forced to not touch your lips until I'm in a car with you."

"Kinda broke that just a second ago, boy," I scoff.

"Yeah...I'm not doing well..." He chuckles.

I sarcastically laugh, "No, really?"

"But seriously, Ash. It's not easy."

"What's not easy?" 

"Being without you."

I felt a bit of my heart drop a little, "You know it's not time, I don't even think I'm ready... we went over this."

"I know, I know, I just needed to get that out my system... Ellie... she's gone wild. If I'm going to date a girl, I want her to be chill, I want her to be-" He pauses to think about it for a second, "I want her to be like you." He runs his fingers through his hair, "Scratch that, I want her to be you."

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