Reminder #9

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This reminder is for myself first.

I know we all make plan before ramdan that we will do lots of dhikr, read voluntary nafils,  complete 2 to 3 Qur'an and all that blissful things.

But then ramdan arrives and you are not able to do that.

You have got a common cold or rather headache or rather simply not feeling well and that is making you frustrated that you are not able to do what you had planned.


We are all only human.

We can't just change ourselves in a single day and become all pious and epitome of goodness.

We were all in effect of shaytaan and though shaytaan is not in the open now but still their evil effect of eleven months linger with us.

Allah is testing our patience that how we overcome it and  how hard we strive to achieve what all the things we had planned for.

Am I making sense?

Make dua that Allah subhana wa ta'ala accepts our fasting.
Our ibadah.
Our dhikr.

Make Dua that he gives us health and immense Shifa that we utilise this time to our best.

Aameen summa aameen.

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