Chapter 6

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Aramelles POV

I was in the kitchen cooking for myself. It is 7 pm now and I'm really hungry. The doctor told me I should eat more if I want to keep breastfeeding Mia. If you are healthy and happy the baby will be healthy and happy as well! Even though I can't fulfill the second one... Sometimes I feel extremely selfish for still mourning about the past. No matter how busy I keep myself, I just can't help it!

Don't worry Aramelle time will heal everything. I shook my head and focused on the task in front of me. Mia is sleeping and I have to finish before she wakes up. My baby girl is always seeking for my attention lately. She's afraid to sleep alone and clings to me like a baby monkey. And I love every second of it. I'm not going to lie. It was really hard in the beginning, but now I'm getting used to my lifestyle. Money is definitely not a problem.

Thank god my father handles all of my expenses. For now... When I'm done with everything I'll be the one to take care of Mia. That's the least he could do, after everything that has happened. I continued to chop the vegetables and put it in a huge bowl, so I could marinade them afterwards easily. I grabbed the soy sauce and honey from my kitchen drawer and continued to mix these both ingredients in the bowl. 

Best marinade ever. Seriously I used to do it all the time for me and my father. It also tastes really good with meat. After I was finished with everything I went to check up on my angel. Mia is still sleeping thank god. My baby couldn't sleep because of her fever, but now it's getting better and better. 

I tip toed towards her crib and saw her smiling slightly in her sleep. Oh god I absolutely love it when babies do that. At least I know that she's not having any nightmares. Sometimes she would wake up screaming bloody murder. And it takes an hour to calm her down. Sometimes it scares the shit out of me. In the beginnings it was really hard. I was all alone and I couldn't call anyone for help. I kissed her forehead and went to outside.

Someone pounded on my door while screaming my name. I jumped at the loud noise. "Aramelle! Open the door please! I really need to talk you." The voice made me freeze. I stood there like a statue that just caught medusa's eyes. What is he doing here? "I know Aramelle. I fucked up big time. And nothing can change the fact that I hurt you. I'm so sorry. Please open the door." His voice broke towards the end.

"P-Please go away. You have no right to be here after everything you have done to us." I said while trying to keep my calm. "And don't you dare to pound on that door again! Mia is sleeping." I don't know what came over me but the next thing I know is that I'm walking towards the door. Should I let him in? I know that he won't hurt me anymore. I gripped the handle and pressed it down. Oh god please don't make me regret this.

There he stood with puffy eyes and a red face. He grabbed my waist and crushed me to his chest. I couldn't help but flinch a little. He hugged me tightly to him and buried his face in my neck. "Xavier... Stop." I mumbled. "I'm sorry Aramelle. I'm so fucking sorry. I-I know I can't take anything back and believe me this will be the biggest mistake of my life. This is worse than any nightmare. I love you and Mia so much that it hurts. You guys are the air I breath. You both are my life! And I don't pressure you into taking me back. I just... I wanted to have you in my arms for one last time. Remember one thing Aramelle..."

"I love you."

One last time...

He walked backwards with his hands in the pocket and than he disappeared. I knew that I won't be seeing him for a long time. And I wasn't stopping him.

Goodbye Xavier...


Hi guys!

I'd like to apologize for the short Chapter. I promise the next one will be longer, because this was just a filler.

Thank you for being so patient with me!



So If you want me to review a book let me know. Maybe your book will be there as well? ;)

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I love you all so much!!!

- Hamsasana

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