His harlequin

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The feeling was insanely satisfying. With the wind roughly pushing through her hair, Lucy couldn't help the smirk forming on her face. This was so, so good.

Both her and her father stood on top of a tall platform overlooking the city. He was laughing maniacally as he held two guns, shooting at random.
The scene before them would terrify anyone, countless people lay dead on the ground. The stench of blood was putrid and though Lucy wanted to gag, she was distracting herself as she watched her father put on this 'show' of sorts.

No longer was she in mourning.
The Joker had convinced her that the best way to mourn and honor her mother was to replace her.
And by replace her, he meant to play along his deadly act. To act as harlequin.

The jokers men had taken over all of Gotham and those unfortunate people who crossed paths with the Joker either took a fatal bullet or lived to see another day. It all depended on Lucy.

"And what should we do with this one?" The joker asked as he grabbed a
blonde teenage girl and shoved her towards Lucy.

Lucy took one look at the girl.

"Ohhh I know her! She's a girl from school, Kathy, was it?" Lucy asked in a mock tone.
The teen girl nervously nodded as tears flowed endlessly down her cheeks.

"Oh? And was Kathy nice to you, my darling daughter?" The joker asked as he grinned in Kathy's face.

Lucy's face dropped in disappointment. "Yeah I guess, we never talked really."

The Joker frowned slightly.
"Awwww....well." As soon as he was about to push her over the tall platform they stood on, he stopped and looked towards Lucy.

"My my, I seem to have forgotten Lucy! That thing you and I were going to do more of..." the joker said in a mock tone, pretending to think.

Lucy stared at him confused but waited for him to speak again.

"Oh yeah! Target practice! AHAHAHAHA!!" The joker said as he shoved the girl to the floor of the platform.

Turning his gaze to his daughter, his eyes and tone darkened.
"Shoot her." He said.
Lucy held up the gun in her hand and aimed it straight towards the girl.

The joker smirked as he looked on to the scene unfolding before him.
Watching with pure excitement, he observed Lucy trembling slightly but regardless was waiting for the final blow that would ultimately end the blonde teenagers life.

Before Lucy could pull the trigger, she yelped out in pain as a batarang made contact with her wrist, making her drop the gun.
The joker looked up in surprise as he saw a dark, caped figure standing above them. In a matter of seconds, the figure jumped down to the girl on the floor of the platform and disappeared with her in a puff of smoke. The Joker growled in frustration as his eyes traveled to his daughter.

While Lucy was coughing, the joker ran to her immediately and grabbed her, making his exit.

Tonight wasn't the night.
Frost had appeared in the SUV on time as he watched his boss run off the platform. The Joker was carrying Lucy and ran to the SUV, laying her in the back as she kept coughing.

As Frost drove back to their hideout, the joker giggled lowly to himself.
Turning to face his boss, Frost was wondering whether or not he should just ask what was so damn funny.

"The bats is back...." the joker muttered in glee, as if answering frost's mental inquiry.

"You surprised?" Frost smirked.
The joker let out a laugh. "Oh no Frost, he's falling right into our trap!"

Lucy had sat up by now in the back seat and was listening intently as her father spoke about the plan they had come up with.

The plan that would reverse the betrayal and heartbreak that the supposed hero had inflicted upon their family.
The plan that would ensure Harley's sacrifice wasn't in vain.
The plan that would erase batman for good.

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