Coming over

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"Thomas." Lucy's sweet voice drowned out the hustle and bustle of the busy hallway filled with socializing teenagers. Her voice stuck out to him and all others were easily drowned out.

He quickly turned to her and smiled.

"Hey Lucy," he said politely. The conversation they had never left his mind and he tried not to be awkward towards her.

He knew one thing for sure. She knew he was Bruce Wayne's son but she surely couldn't have known about Bruce being Batman. Everyone did by now but how she hadn't caught on surprised him.

"I was wondering if you'd like to work on tomorrow's homework with me?" She asked sweetly, smiling at him genuinely.

"S-sure," he stuttered.

"Great! You can come over to my place today after school.  The driver will take you home after, so don't worry about having your parents pick you up." She said.

Thomas was shocked. Going to the Jokers house?

If his father found out he wouldn't allow it.

At all!

He quickly thought of a plan. "S-sure I'd like to." He wasn't about to reject her. She had asked him to go over to her place! Typically if it was any other girl, it meant he'd score. But with her, things were complicated. And interesting.

While Lucy was trying to be polite, the point was to not let Thomas's parents know where the Joker lived. And Lucy very much respected that fact.

They weren't isolated but they weren't open to anyone barging into them and their underground business.

And the Joker often conducted business at home.

"Great! Meet me after school on the stairs. Daddy will have a driver sent waiting for us," she said as she smiled and walked away.

"Shit." Thomas muttered to himself in confusion. He didn't know if this was good or bad.

Part of him was on fire, he felt victorious. But the other felt sick and weak. He didn't know what to expect. 


The bell rang and Thomas walked to where Lucy stood patiently. He had called his parents telling them he'd be at his friends house, like he sometimes was.

They didn't question him.

As he walked through the doors, he turned to Lucy.
"Thanks for waiting," he smiled.

She nodded and proceeded to walk towards a black SUV waiting for them.

"No problem! Let's go," she grinned as she handed her bag to a man with a beard holding the door open for her. Before Thomas entered, the man eyed him up and down and furrowed his brows. After a few seconds he started chuckling.

He slammed the door behind him and walked to the drivers seat, speeding off.

Lucy sat in the car behind the driver, opening a small mirror on the seat and applying chap stick. She looked at Thomas and smiled.

"School was pretty boring today huh?" She grinned.

Thomas nodded. "Y-yeah, especially this class we have together."

She giggled. "There's nothing really exciting about school in general.  Don't you think?"

Thomas nodded as he stared into her blue eyes.
"But it's all I have," she continued. "I can't be cooped up in that mansion anymore. I need action. Adventure!" She exclaimed as she waved her arms out in excitement.

The driver looked back at the rear view at her sudden outburst and smiled. He knew damn well what he meant, the extra protection her father demanded for her.
She was all he had left.

Forbidden fruit: Jokers ProgenyWhere stories live. Discover now