I sighed and continued on my way home...and I was ultimately glad that I had done so as When I pulled up to the house I found myself alone.

To be honest I feel like I haven't been a lone in a very long time and to be honest it was just what I needed. I went straight into my restroom and decided on having a bath.

As I sat on the edge of the tub I watched the water pour out of the faucet.

'Why am I so emotional over this?'
'This is good news, right?'
'We are kind of young.'
'But I love him.'
'I mean I am Vance's Mate'
'Married to Vance.'
'Me, Vance's wife.'
'Elise Cage'

I smiled, I've always known that one day Vance and I would get married. As mates it's sorta a given, a done deal so to speak...but when we lost our wolves and then had our little rough patch I didn't know if that future would still hold true for us.

I turned off the water and got in.

Don't get me wrong, I was more than grateful and appreciative that Vance and I could move past everything and stay together...I truly do love that man with my entire heart...But are we ready?

Then I smiled, I knew that no matter when he asked I would without a doubt say yes.

From that point I couldn't help but get excited and slightly giddy as I began to wonder how he would ask, knowing him he'd want it to be special and probably over the top, no doubt he'd spend a ton of money.

I sighed, as amazing as that may be...it's not exactly me.

Of course I'd be happy however he decided to ask me, and of course now I couldn't help but begin to wonder when he'd actually do it.

'If he brought it up to Harper at the lake then surely he's planning on doing it soon.'

I shook my head, "I wish I had my wolf." I voiced aloud.

As weird as it is having someone constantly in your head, it was times like these that I could really use her council. She'd tell me how to feel, and how to act...now I'm going to be nervous around him, constantly wondering 'is it going to be today?'

And I couldn't be mad at Harper, as my friend I can see how she'd be excited about the prospect of a proposal...but she did sorta take the mystery out of it and instead put in place a slight anxiety.

As much as I'm here thinking about him proposing soon, what if he actually doesn't pop the question until later, like much much later, when I'm done with college.

Would I resent him for not asking and having me play a guessing game the whole time?

But of course the waiting and calculated approach did seem more along the lines of Vance's personality.

He's always been the man with a plan.

So I can see him buying the house, having a secure job and then asking me to marry him...the Vance I know would want to make sure he could provide for us and our future.

Then again, maybe that was his Wolf.

Maybe now with his Wolf gone Vance has become somewhat more impulsive, acting on the whim of a thought without thinking everything through.

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