Heroes Always Fail...

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"The mall will close in 10 minutes."

Hannah looks up from the shelves of Hot Topic. Brushing the hair out of her face as she reaches for the shirt she planned on buying, It was nearly 11 pm, but it's not like she had any one waiting for her at home. Her parents were both workaholics. She always "understood" though.

She stands up, the shirts in her hands as she goes towards the cashier to pay.

A pierced a tattooed man greets her with a warm smile, "Anything else you'd need help with, Hannah?"
She shook her head, "Thanks Jay, but I'm good... this should be all."

He grins, "Until next Friday when you get your check though, right?"
She chuckled nodding.

He took a deep breath and Hannah watched him in curiosity, he had liked her since elementary and she knew.

"Do you have a ride? It's kinda late..." he asked sweetly.
"I have the bus, I live a few blocks away, Thanks though Jay."
"Are you sure?"

She nodded as he sighed, "My band is playing tomorrow night, You should come and watch us..."
She smiled, "I'll try to come, I have homework and I'm not sure if I work..."
He nodded, "Yea... Yea... have a safe night then, I guess... hopefully I'll see you tomorrow night!"

She smiled, grabbing the bag, "Bye, Jay!"


Hannah walked out of the mall, bag in hand. She padded out of the parking lot, seeing a girl from school.

'Ew, gosh they're so conceited...' She thought to herself as she chuckled.

The next minute, her eyes seemed to play tricks on her, It was as if she had suddenly disappears. She shook her head before she saw another familiar image: it was him. The Hoard.

She tried to not panic as she saw another girl getting stuffed into the back seat of her small sedan.

Keeping her heart pace still, she looked around the ground for a weapon. Seeing some broken gravel, she grabbed a large chunk and paced towards them.

Dennis had his back turned, his front facing the front seat's door. This was her chance. She'd hit him and call the police. That's it. All I gotta do. Hit him. Call police.

She raised the gravel over his head while his speed and timing were impeccable. Not realizing what contents he had in his hand, he sprayed her with it, not placing the mask over his mouth.

Hannah's bag quickly fell to the floor, the gravel falling after it. She was next to fall, he had caught her before she did so, dragging her feet around the car and into the passenger's seat, placing her down gently.

The sleeve of her black sweater falling off of her shoulder and onto the end of her wrist, the start of her small right hand. Her wrist exposed. As Dennis placed her down, he quietly gasped as he saw scars on her pale skin.

He gulped seeing them, sighing as he pulled the sweater up neatly and gently.

He then retrieved the bag she had earlier dropped, placing it in the glove compartment. Looking over at the young girl, he bit his lip sadly, 'She's pure... I picked up the wrong victim....' Shaking his head of the thoughts he sighed again, she was scarred. Hurt. Broken? Broken.

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