Chapter 45

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Chapter 45>>  Are you being Sirius?

Song of the chapter>> Starting over starting now by Sophie Simnett, Luke Newton, Thomas Doherty, Jade Alleyne, Jayden Revri, Bethan Wright and Josh Sinclair-Evans

Fred and George stood in the middle of their shop talking, discussing exactly what Fred was going to say, because every time they were about to apparate, he changed his mind exclaiming it's not right. "Just come right out with it!" George exclaimed.

"No! It needs to be perfect, I can't just go, 'Yo Ryan, we haven't spoke in ages, I love you', can I?"

"Yes, yes you can!" George sighed, "It's Ryan not some Princess slap a burger onto her cheek and say it she''ll probably be happy."

"Maybe I should write a note, just in case I freeze up and then you can hand it to her." Fred said and ran back up to the flat to collect parchment and ink, before running and jumping onto the counter.

"Right, okay, let's just hurry up okay."

"Patience is key, brother."

Dear Munchkin,

I'm sorry for not believing you, I really should have done. I was just confused with what was going on.

I love you.


"There done, let's go!" George flapped his arms around.

"I CAN'T HAND HER THIS!" He yelled, scrunching it up. "I NEED TO RESTART!"

Dear, Ryan (Munchkin),

I know we haven't spoke in a while, which isn't really my fault, you ended us.


Fred wrote on about sixteen pieces of parchment before restarting this next one.

Dear, Ryan.

I'm sorry for being an absolute dickhead and not believing you. As much as I was still upset about you ending things, I still should have believed you after all, we had been best friends for over a decade before we got together. I guess, I was just extremely confused with what was being explained to me about your situation. I'm sorry, I should have sensed something was off, when you ended things. I am so thankful that you risked everything just to keep me safe, when I wish you didn't. If you would have told us, I am sure we would have worked things out instead of you having to date the ferret.

I know I shouldn't have gotten with Genesis, I was just trying to get over you; at the time I thought you was well and truly over me. I guess I was stupid and an idiot. The truth is, no matter how much time I spent with Genesis, my mind kept travelling back to you. I missed your smile, your laugh, your eyes, your hugs, your everything. I missed you. I missed your sarcastic comments and stupid come backs, I missed you arguing with Lee, I missed you little line, 'because Dylan', -whatever the fuck that means.

And what I am really trying to say, and the reason for me writing this is because I was a wimp and froze up, not being able to speak is....








................I love you.

~Fred x.

"Done." Fred smiled, and folded it up.

"Finally, I have only been waiting an hour!" George gasped, now let's go.


"Thank Merlin. Do you want to side apparate or floo?" George asked.

"Side apparate."

George nodded and grabbed a hold of his brothers arm. He noted that Fred was in fact shaking, and clutching onto the letter for dear life. He hoped this would work, and that they would go back to normal, despite Orion going to Romania.

The pair ended up at 12 Grimmauld place after only a few moments of travelling in a small tube-like way. They landed in the tapestry room and startled the people in the house. "Oooh, it's probably just George." Molly said.

She was right, although it wasn't just him. Fred and him entered the dining room, and the appearance of the first mentioned shocked the people. He wasn't a person they were expecting to turn up, especially if they thought Orion was meant to be there. "Fred?" Bill asked, looking at his younger brother.

"Where's Ry?" He asked, looking around the room.

"They left not long ago, Charlie had to get back otherwise they'd still be here." Ginny said quietly.

"What?" Fred exclaimed.

"Freddie, I'm sorry." George said.

"Why are you sorry, it's my fault we took so long, if I'd grew a pair and manned up, I wouldn't of have to write the letter as a back up plan and we would have been here sooner." He groaned sitting down in a nearby chair.

"What letter?" Ron asked.

"Don't worry." George said.

"You'll get to tell her, Fred you just have to be patient."


"If it helps, and you're talking about Ry, Charlie and her said they should be definitely home for christmas this year."

'5 months away.....' Fred thought to himself.

"Are you being Sirius?"

A/n- Well folks! That is the end on 'Are you being Sirius?'. It has been so fun writing this book, even if it has brought me to tears writing some chapters *cough* Fryan breaking up, *cough* The Lee and Orion moment, *cough* Them leaving Hogwarts *cough* Thank you to everyone who has read and got his far into the series.

I would like to give a shoutout to both shadowsculpture and ObsessedPotter for the support, votes and comments and I hope to see you in the next book.

The new book is called 'Why'.

It is up now!

Thank you


Are you being sirius? [Sequel to 'I am who')*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now