Chapter 32

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Chapter 32>> New Years pt 2.

Song of the chapter>> And I Wasn't Expecting That by Jamie Lawson.




The countdown began, and Orion stood beside Fred in the same room as everyone else, yet whilst everyone became excited and happy, she became nervous and scared. She had to break it off with Fred, in front of his family, in front of her family, to then date a boy she despises, two years younger than her. The same boy that called her a blood-traiting whore. The same boy that is nothing but rude to her cousin.


Fred's left hand intertwined with hers.


He turned to face her.


He smiled lovingly at her,


He checked her out.


He edged even closer,


He leaned his face closer to hers,


He went to kiss her.


Her hand stopped his lips connecting with hers. He watched her confusedly, as she slipped her other hand from his. the rest of the room were cheering and wishing each other a happy new year but soon stopped as the looked at the pair. A silence swept over them and all of the happiness drained like a dementor had passed them.

"Ryan? What is wrong?"

it was time. She took a deep breath and stared up at him with nothing but a cold, and stern expression.



"I am not doing this anymore." She stated. Fred's face fell as he stepped back, as her godfathers stepped forward.

"Not doing what anymore?" He asked.


"Us?" His voice cracked. "You're-you're ending us?"


"Why?" Fred's eyes shone with melancholy and sadness, as his twin gripped his shoulder. "Tell me, I can fix it." He begged.

"No. You can't." She didn't meet his eyes, the next sentence broke her inside, but she couldn't show it. "I don't like you anymore."

"But earlier-"

"I was pretending." She shrugged.

Tears pricked Fred's eyes. Other than when his father was hurt, Fred never cried in front of anyone. Molly looked a mix of horrified and upset, Arthur held her close. George held onto his twin as Ginny stayed beside Harry, Ron and Hermione all of which were shocked. Tonks stood beside, Remus and Sirius who all shared puzzled expressions. Only hours ago would they have said, that the two were in love, just not realising it.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR-"A cheerful voice exclaimed entering the kitchen.

Bill Weasley.

He stopped in his tracks and looked around the room.

"Goodbye." Orion stated and rushed pass him, her luggage still in the entrance hal, s he apparated to her parents home and into her bedroom. She threw herself onto her bed and soaked her pillow with her tears.

"What's going on?" The eldest child of the Weasley's asked, his eyes landing on Fred's broken expression. "Fred?"

"Ryan, broke up with him." George spat as Fred fell into his arms sobbing into his shoulder.

"What? Why? From what I hear, you two were strong." Bill walked over to his crying brother, no one else moving from where they were.

"They were, only hours ago were they kissing lovingly, so much that Sirius and Remus nearly attacked him, with overprotectiveness." Tonks finally spoke.

"I-I don't understand." Fred cried, "What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything, mate. As much as she is my goddaughter, she was a right bitch just then." Sirius said as Remus nodded.


"Freddie, don't peak just let it all out." Ginny hugged her brother. "I'll throw a few hexes her way in school."

"Okay." He sniffed.

* * *

Orion's parents beckoned her down stairs at about 11am that morning, she was dressed and looked presentable and not as if she had been crying. She made her way into the living room where she found her family and the Malfoys.

"Ah, yes. Such a Pretty girl." Lucius Malfoy grinned. "You all did well, keeping hidden for this amount of time and I am sure Draco will be honoured to date her. Isn't that right, Draco?"

"Yes, Father. I will be honoured. However, I must apologise for my cruel words I have spoke to you in the past, Ryan" Draco smiled at her. It made her sick, she didn't want to go through with this, but if it meant that Fred would live, she would give up her own life for him.

"It is okay, Draco." She replied. Her father whispered in his ear and handed him a bottle with liquid that she instantly recognised as love potion, not amortentia, but a love potion. "I guess I have to drink that everyday then?"

"yes, dear." Lucius said. her eyes flickered to Narcissa Malfoy who didn't even look at her and kept a neutral face. "However, you will have to wear different clothes. Other than any colours o quidditch or school uniforms, you wear all black dresses with black accessories."

"yes, sir." She nodded.

"Good. Now you go back to school tomorrow morning, you will sit together on the train, you will act as a couple would. you ignore any of the people you usually would associate yourself with, unless in a quidditch match. You also spend time outside of lessons together and behave. Stick to being in the good books of Professor Umbridge. And lastly, you will be spending today together." Daisy said.

"Yes, Mother." Orion nodded.

"Now before Draco joins you, change out of those ridiculous clothes and into a nice black dress." Rossind shoved her in the direction of the stairs. She rushed to her room and closed the door. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and did as her parents wished.

'I'm doing this for Fred and Harry' She repeated in her head. Once she was changed the blonde boy entered her room.

"Well, babe. What hideous décor you have."

"Yes, I was going to change it now." She used a few spells and all of her muggle posters and Gryffindor posters, quidditch posters and her pictures were shoved into a box that went into a cupboard and the room was bare.

"That is better, babe." Draco grinned, "Father told me to tell you, that you have to drink some now." He handed her the bottle to which she drank some and put the stopper back on. "Also change your hair, red is associated with them." She changed her hair to brunette.

"That's better, more gorgeous on you. Now, we need to practise, I want that Weasel jealous."

"What do you mean?" She giggled.

"Kiss me." He smirked, and took the bottle from her and placed it on her desk. "Like you mean it." The boy grabbed her waist and pulled her into a rough kiss, and her hands tangled into his blonde hair. His minty breath entered her mouth as did his tongue, it was nothing like her kisses with Fred, It was rough, and possessive but due to the potion, she loved it, and she fell onto her bed pulling him down with her.

Merlin what has she got herself into?

Are you being sirius? [Sequel to 'I am who')*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now