Chapter 23

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Chapter 23>> Hogsmeade Part 2.

Song Of The Chapter>> Fight Song by Rachel Plattern.

It was time to see what Hermione wanted and the four Gryffindor's returned to the three broomsticks from Zonkos to find a crowd of mainly gryffindors but also some Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws. Harry, Ron and Hermione were seated at the front. The four took a seat near the front too and waited to find out what was going on.

"Hi." Hermione started nervously, "So you all know why we are here." The twins, Lee and Orion shot the girl a quizzical look. "We need a teacher....a proper teacher, one who's had real experience defending themselves against the dark arts-"

"Why?" Zacharias Smith a Hufflepuuf boy interjected.

"Why? Because You-Know-Who is back, you tosspot." Ron snapped.

"So he says."

"So Dumbeldore says-" Hermione tried.

"So Dumbledore said, because he said. The point is , where's the proof?" Orion clenched her fist her hair growing increasing redder as the blonde boy spoke.

"If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed..." Nigel Wolpert a third year Gryffindor stated slightly creepily. Only now did Orion notice Cho Chang, Cedric's former girlfriend stand up straight and pursing her lips, tears threatening to fall.

"I'm not going to talk about Cedric. So if that is why you're are here, you might as well clear out now." Harry stated standing up, his eyes flickering to her cousin who didn't show pain but in its place was anger. Cho too glanced at Orion knowing her sister-like relationship with Cedric before flashing a smile of gratitude to Harry. "Let's go. They're just here because they think I am some sort or freak-"

"Harry, wait-"

"Is it true you can produce a patronus charm?" Luna Lovegood spoke up. The crowd grew quiet and Harry spotted Luna standing at the back. Hermione seized the opening.

"Yes. I've seen it. A fully-formed stag patronus." Orion smiled lihtly, knowing that was her uncle's animagi form and patronus.

"Blimey Harry, didn't know you could do that!" Dean exclaimed.

"He-he also killed a Basilisk, with the sword in Dumbledore's office!" Neville added, stuttering slightly.

"It's true." Ginny said.

The students all looked impressed and the tide began to turn. "And in third year, he fought off about a hundred Dementors at once!" Ron grinned.

"And last year he DID fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh-"

"Wait, Hermione." Harry said shaking his head. All eyes swing to Harry. He is struggling mightily with speaking both to his friend and a group of people. "Look. It all sounds amazing when you put it like that but, truth is, I hadn't had clue what I was doing in the moment, I always had help."

"He's just being modest." Hermione cut him off.

"No Hermione, I'm not. Facing this stuff in real isn't like school at all. In school if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow. But out there......when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend being killed right before your eyes-" His eyes traced Cho's and Orions and Fred clasped the latters hand in his, rubbing his thumb soothingly over the back of her hand. "You-you just don't know what it's like." The group of students stay silent and Hermione looked at Harry chastened. "Ry knows, back in first year with Quirrel, it wasn't easy no matter how many spells and hexes you know. Right Ry?"

"He's right. When Quirrel tried to hurt Harry I froze slightly and then acted without thinking. I mean you say things in the moment, you do things in the moment. There really isn't any time to think. It isn't anything like school, heck you'd think the pink toad and Filch's punishments combined are bad, nothing compares to what Harry has gone through."

"You are entirely right Harry. We don't. That's why we need your help........"

At the end of the 'meeting' everyone was lining up in a single file queue to sign there name on some parchment to become part of 'Dumbledores Army' a society were Harry will be the Professor and the student will get to use their wands and actually learn something. Fred signed his named then George, followed by Orion who after walked around the table and hugged the three fifth years goodbye, lingering a bit on Hermione. "I know you've charmed that parchment." She chuckled. Hermione winked at her before Orion walked and joined Fred, Lee and George who were making their way back to the castle.

"You okay?" Fred asked her, slinging his arm over her shoulder. She nodded. "Good." He kissed her temple.

George groaned playfully, "We need to get Georgie a girlfriend, Freddie." Orion smirked.

"Uh, I am totally capable myself."

"How's that working out for you? The closest you've got is Lee." Fred teased.

"Hey! Babe, I thought we were meant to be a secret!" Lee exclaimed jestingly. His hand placed over his heart.

"Baby, we have no means to hide anymore!"

"Okay." Lee leaped into George's arms so that he was being carried bridle style. Fred and Orion chuckled before connecting their lips, in a kiss. "I am not doing that with you! Sorry George we are over!"

"Fine by me." George dropped Lee to the ground and ran off before lee could attack him. Fred and Orion pulled away and laughed ta their friends who were wrestling on the floor. They walked past the pair their hands intertwined and a bag each from Zonko's and Honeydukes. The walk back to the castle was leisureful and that was only until George and Lee caught up tot them. Then it turned into a joke/laugh fest. That meant that by the time they had returned to the common room, their sides ached and their throats were dry.

"Hot Chocolate?" Lee asked.

"Hot Chocolate." Orion, Fred and George confirmed.

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