Chapter 40

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Chapter 40>> A new beginning.

Song of the Chapter>> Starting over, starting now By Sophie Simnett, Luke Newtons, Jade Alleyne, Jayden Revri, Bethan Wright, Josh Sinclair-Evans and Thomas Doherty.

"It's that time of the year again, where we praise the house champions and quidditch champions but must let go to our beloved seventh years." Dumbledore said, "But before the saddening part let's come together and celebrate the house champions."

Orion sat beside Lee with Harry the other side of her. Angelina and Alicia along with Katie and Ron sat opposite them , Hermione was beside Harry with Ginny opposite her. Beneath the table, Lee, Angelina and Alicia the seventh years of the group held hands, and for once Lee didn't make a flirtatious remark. it would be the last time they would hear Dumbledore's end of year speech.

"With 347 points, in fourth place is Ravenclaw!" Dumbledore announced, a few cheers erupted but the house itself looked gloomy, "In third place with, 489 points we have Hufflepuff!"

The house of badgers cheered, for not coming last but the air was thick. Yet again it was between Slytherin and Gryffindor. "with 685 points we have.........SLY-GRYFFINDOR HOUSE!" Dumbledore said, and the Gryffindor's let out a light un-enthusiastic cheer.

"So that means in the house champion this year with 987 points is, SLYTHERIN!" The winner cheered and cheered, smug grins on their faces as they looked at Gryffindors.

"As many of you know, the quidditch champions this year are Hufflepuff, so well done to them!" Dumbledore smiled, "However, now is where we come to the saddening part. It is time to say our goodbyes to our seventh years. It has been wonderful watching you grow over the last seven years, and we are sure you'll all go far. We wish you all the best however, we have decided to do something we have never done before. Each Professor including myself, have chosen a student they would like to recognise and say a few words about. So to start it off, please Professor Snape."

The long greasy haired man stood up and spoke in his drawling voice, "I would like to recognise, Marcus Flint for being a good part of the quidditch team and captain who has lead the team to victory many times."

The student body clapped for the boy before Flitwick stood up, "Hello, I would like to recognise Miss Angelina Johnson, for being an excellent student who never succeeds to impress me with her knowledge on charms, well done, you have been a delight to teach." Angelina grinned as people clapped and cheered for her.

Many teachers recognised different students from all different house, such as Lee from Madam Hooch for being a great commentator, and Alicia for Divination, before McGonagall stood up, "I would like to recognise one of the brightest students I have come to teach and watch grow throughout my time teaching here. Miss Orion Waterstone, what a pleasure it has been seeing you grow, you are incredibly brave and determined, many congratulations."

Orion smiled and sent her head of house a small smile and mouthed, 'thank-you'. McGonagall winked in her direction and Dumbledore was the last to stand up.

"Before I say my acknowledgement, I would like to praise every student who is leaving tomorrow and facing the world. You all have been a pleasure to have at this school; I also would like to remind you all, that no matter where you end up, who you become or how old you get, Hogwarts will always be here to welcome you home when you need it. If you end up being 40 years old and need to come back, do, you will always be welcome. Now onto my acknowledgement." Dumbledore said.

"Now I am pretty sure that the student or should I say students I would like to acknowledge, are well known. I am sure you all know of them and what they are like, and although they are not here at this present moment, I would like to say a very well done to Fred and George Weasley. The two have made Hogwarts a thrilling and exciting place to be at, with all of their tricks and pranks and if I am honest I have quite enjoyed them. they have shown me that education isn't always the key to success and to follow your dreams. So when somebody see's the two please tell them that I said well done and good luck for the future. Now please, let's dine for the last time together this year!"

The next day Dumbledore himself lead the seventh years down to the black lake. They all had to sit in the boats in fours like the first time they saw Hogwarts. Lee, Angelina, Orion and Alicia all sat a boat. It was different to their first time, Orion sat with the twins and Lee on the way to Hogwarts now leaving she was with the girls and Lee. She sat beside Lee, his arm was around her as they all held in their tears. Hagrid sat in is boat like before and lead the now seventh years across the lake leaving Dumbledore at the other side.

When they got to the other side Hagrid lead them to Hogsmeade train station. All of the students got onto the train but Orion held back meaning the girls and Lee stayed too. She ran into Hagrid's arms. "Thank you, for looking after Harry and myself, please look after him." She cried.

"O' course I will, now stop yer tears otherwise I'll start." He chuckled lightly, "Good luck in you-know-where, Charlie sent me a letter, you'll do well."

"Thank you Hagrid." She smiled and let the girl go. She rejoined her friends and they entered the train.

They entered their usual compartment and stuck their heads out of the window. the waved goodbye to the half-giant and the school they called home.

"Well, here's to a new beginning." Angelina smiled sadly.

"A new beginning." They all chorused.

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