Chapter 11 - Party

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The two days until the party came by in the blink of an eye.

Hey that rhymed. Kind've.

Eren ended up waking up at 3:00 am just to get the butler to help out putting everything together. I got up around the same time they were finished. The butler was vacuuming the rooms and Eren was in the kitchen putting...parsley? All over each dish.

"Morning...Eren." I spoke and studied how he freshened up the food.

"Hey, Levi." He muttered. Then he put everything down and straightened up. "Sorry for being hard on you in the past a little." He said.

I forgave him. My head nodded.

"But...I still need you to go upstairs. For the party. I promise it won't be long." He said.

Deciding that it would be too much to say otherwise, I agreed. I heard a knock on the door, and then Eren gave me the sign to go upstairs now since the first guest had arrived.


Time passed, and I couldn't help staying for long, so I slipped out and watched from above in a corner where no one could see me from the stairs. I could now see everyone. They all greeted the same almost.

"Eren, how nice to see you!"

"Hey Eren! Haven't seen you in awhile."

"Eren, I've missed you. How's life?"

After Eren replied, they gave him a side hug and went on to go to the kitchen where the butler served them.Then Armin came in.

My stomach churned slightly, but I still watched. He came in and hugged Eren and looked around. I'm suspecting he was looking for me. I tried my best to eavesdrop and hear what they were saying to each other.

"Eren, it's so great seeing you again!"

"Ah, Armin, same with you."

Armin chuckled. "Hmm...have you gotten rid of that prostitute yet?"

Eren stopped cold in his tracks. I was practically frozen as well. But I needed to hear what he was going to say. I tried to come slightly closer to hear.

"...Yes. I have actually." He said in return. My heart fell into a pool of darkness and stopped.

I couldn't believe he said that. Was he saying that to protect me or that he didn't want me? Then again, why would he protect me? I'm just a prostitute.

I saw Armin smile so much it looked like his mouth could stretch to a mile. He then hugged Eren again, but this time, harder.

Though I did feel sad, I continued to watch the party. They were farther into the dining area, so I couldn't hear much. This went on for almost an hour.

Armin sat right next to Eren and there were many people who attended. Eren had a lot of friends, unlike me. Did I even qualify as a friend to Eren?

Then the doorbell rang. Eren looked surprised. I guess it was just a late guest.
"I'll get it!" One of the people rise from the table and answered the door.

In came in a woman. She was very pretty, gorgeous even. I'd seen her before...
Then I looked across the hall from my level  and my eyes landed on a portrait with her and Eren when they were kids.

She was Eren's sister.

"Oh, hello Mikasa! I didn't know you were coming." The person who answered the door exclaimed and gave her a hug.

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