Chapter 6 - The other man

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So...I am gonna rewrite this chapter since I noticed that I got many of the names mixed up hehe. Sorry guys~!

Alright, I'll make sure this one is nice so you can all enjoy. Also, since Christmas is coming up I thought that I should make a Christmas special~ I'll be sure to make it extra fluffy lol 👌

"Good morning!~" I heard the butler barge into my room.

I rolled over onto my back. Once my eyes got used to the light from the lamps that the butler turned on, the first thing that came into my mind was Eren.

"Did you sleep ok this time, Levi?" He asked as his fish lips pinched into a smile.

"I guess..." I drifted off.

I dreamt about Eren.

" Well, that's good. Do you mind getting up? Eren ordered me to vacuum all the rooms in the house at the crack of dawn before he left." He dragged in the device and stood it up.

When he said 'crack of dawn' I quickly put my gaze onto the alarm clock.

"Wow, 5:36 am. That's pretty early for me. I usually wake up a lot later." I chuckled quietly. I then realized he wasn't listening since he was plugging in the vacuum.

I left the room without him noticing. My steps led me toward the kitchen, pretty much the only place I knew here a little.

The phone rang.

It surprised me, and I jumped a little. The phone read Eren and then I remembered that the butler informed me about Eren leaving.

But why this early...?

I went back to my room (at least the one I sleep in) and I had to yell at the butler since he couldn't hear me well over the extremely loud banging noise.

"WhAt? I can't hear you-" he was interupted when I turned the switch of the vacuum off.

"Why did Eren leave so early?" I asked him bewildered. And there went my mind again. Always spilling with questions.

"Ah, had a feeling you would ask. But you should say why he left so late." He replied still not answering my question. He then continued.

"He left at around two am. He said he was off to meet up with Armin." I heard a small snicker flow in his voice.

", who's Armin?" the name sounded like a guy's name. I then felt a broiling sensation of jealousy. If this is a he Eren's boyfriend?

"Armin is Eren's boyfriend. Though they had a major fight not too long ago. But from what I know as of now, I think they're together." the butler answered while leaning forward to turn the vacuum on again.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I was burning with acrimony and extreme jealousy. What was the point of having me here when Eren is already taken by someone else? Was he just going to have a threesome or something to pleasure his spoiled ass?

No...didn't he say he got me long term?

I grunted rather loudly. That might explain why he seems to avoid me and rate conversations. Except for that weird time he wanted me to kiss him.

And oh God how I wish I could go back and kiss his plump and rich lips.

That was it. I had feelings for him. And they weren't some small little shitty ones, but, I feel like I'm growing onto him.

I shook my head. I needed answers.

Why is Eren so selfish? Why does Eren have a boyfriend? Why am I here?

The sun was slowly rising above the gates that surrounded this house. Should I go out and look for him?

I don't even know where he is. Where is this plan going?

My legs trudged through the house searching for the butler. I found him cleaning Eren's rather large bedroom.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat so that he could get the gist that I was there. He kept cleaning.

"AgHhH-AhEeM." I did it this time surprising him by adding an edge to my voice.

"Aha erm Levi~ You need anything?" He bumped his head while trying to stand up. 

"Yeah. Do you know where Eren went?" I leaned against the wall waiting.

"Ah yes. I believe he said he was headed toward a party and then the bar afterwards." the butler replied sheepishly.

"Oh ok, you mind if I take one of the cars? I decided I want to go out as well." I stood up straight.

"Go ahead. Take one of Eren's, there are a pair of keys over there on the dresser. Find which car that is and then you can go." He continued to clean the floors.

My face brightned as I yanked the keys.

I headed toward the garage and heard a beep from a car once I pressed one of the buttons on my car key remote thing.

And, in I hopped in. The smell inside was a cross between cologne and alcohol. Not a had mix knowing Eren a bit.

The garage door opened up and I sped my way out the gate.

Shit. Where is this bar?

"Oh fucking hell...." I pulled out my phone praying that it still had battery juice.

Hmm. 16%. Good enough.

I slammed my phone down on the dashboard.

(Ha, you can tell what phone he has after this sentence) "Siri, Where is the bar located at?" I literally shouted at my slow phone.

It replied back showing the maps. Then it gave me directions.

I licked my lips and turned my head forward to see the road.

Soon. Soon I will find out about Eren's possible affair.


End!~ I hope I didn't mess up this time. Also, this will be the last time there will be a mixup.

Plus I wanna thank all of you for reaching 1k reads~! 💕 Honestly I thought I would never get there. But thank you all!!

I'll update as soon as possible. I have finals coming up and some things I wanna do. lol (fangirling things)

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