As they stretched and prepared themselves, the competition began. First was a shooting challenge - they had to hit the bulls-eye from a certain distance; Aramis was evidently the best out of all of them with that, though the other's weren't far off either. Next was hand to hand combat of which Porthos had in the bag - Kayley felt a little bad for the cadets as they clearly had zero to no hope with being up against the musketeers. Now it was time for the final challenge - duelling. It was D'artagnan's turn and his sister had a few words of advise for him "don't forget to move your feet and to always keep your sword up" she spoke "don't let your apponent get you on the ground" the man nodded before Athos chipped in "and remember, mind over heart" he pushed his finger against his chest "don't let your anger control you or your actions". As the duel began, D'artagnan and Aramis had the entire Garrison to compete; Kayley watched, yet she couldn't help her mind wander 'why did Athos say that to D'artagnan?? Did he know something about her brother she didn't??' the young man was head strong - indeed. And had a short fuse...and could be a little reckless at sometimes acted without thinking; she sighed upon realising that something must have happened the previous night after she had called it a night 'but what exactly??'. Before she could think any further, Kayley was drawn out of her deep thoughts as she realised that....her brother had won the duel!! The challenges were officially over!! And now Treville had to evaluate what he had just witnessed and decide who would represent; he retreated to his office to do so. Out of all who competed, the musketeers had scored the highest, as well as the siblings of course. They waited over an hour for the captain to make his decision "all he has to do is pick one of us five and then we can all go on our merry way" Porthos complained into his cup of water; Kayley chuckled as she patted the man on the back before finishing her apple. Finally, the man they were waiting for could be heard leaving his office and seen making his way down the stairs; the five cadets, the three musketeers and the siblings stood and gathered around where he stood. The captain made a touching speech about how each contender were impressive and how he was proud that his regiment was as well-skilled as they were "even those who hope to someday join us" he stated, sending a glance towards his niece and nephew. Kayley felt some kind of 'but' was coming. "I couldn't ask for anyone better to represent the musketeer regiment and myself....this is competition is mine and the Cardinal's doing" where was he going with this?? "And so....I will be fighting against the chosen Red Guard" all hearts and smiles dropped "I started I shall finish it". The three musketeers instantly looked towards their two new friends, only to see both hanging their heads low, disappointment painted on their face; Treville dismissed they all before once again returning to his office. The five friends sat back in their original seats "I can't believe he did that to us!!" Porthos exclaimed in anger towards their captain; Kayley sighed as she lent her elbow against the table, resting her head on her hand "knowing uncle Treville, he must have had his reasons" she tried to stand up for the man she cared for, but found it difficult - that didn't mean she was wrong. Athos looked up from his friends to see one of the cadets standing near their table, only a few feet away "em...excuse me??" he asked, sounding rather nervous; the others looked up as they gave his their attention "what is it Daniel??" Aramis asked. The young man, Daniel, spoke as he rubbed the back of his neck "the other cadets and I were wondering if...if Kayley could come do some more training with us??" he asked; Kayley smiled, taking note of how he didn't sound as nervous as the day before when they had asked for her help. As she stood from her seat, the teenager nodded her head "sure" she joined the cadets in the yard and began their training. The musketeers and D'artagnan all watched for a while, that was until Athos stood from his own seat before storming up and into their captain's office.

Furious, Athos pushed the door open and violently forced it shut; it caught the immediate attention of his captain who was sat at his desk. "This is wrong and dangerous!! Why the hell would you do that?!" he demanded to know, pressing his hands down upon the desk; Treville sighed "I had my reasons Athos" he crossed his arms in front of his chest. The musketeer refused to accept that and began to grill the man on his decision "instead of giving yourself on final moment of glory, you should be giving D'artagnan or Kayley the chance to win their commission from the King" the older man held back a huff of slight humour "you really think this is about glory??" he asked, leaning forward in his seat as he rested his elbows on the table, holding a fist in his hand. Athos continued, knowing he needed to get his point across and into his captain's head "all I know is that both D'artagnan and Kayley have it in them to be fine musketeers, perhaps the greatest of us all" he stated truthfully; Treville couldn't agree more but he remained silent as he listened "but now?? We'll never know because you have stolen one of their chances to prove it" and with that, Athos pushed himself up and walked away from the desk before exiting the room all together. Sighing, Treville lent back in his chair, rubbing his forehead as he mumbled to himself "I did what I had to do" he tried to reassure himself.

Back outside, Kayley was still in the middle of training the cadets whilst her brother and the couple remained sat at their table as they watched; they all noticed Athos leave the office and make his ways out of the gate. Deciding upon something that he had been thinking about since the night before, D'artagnan shot up from his seat and hurried after the slightly older man; Porthos and Aramis raised a brow as they heard the young man call out for their long term friend. "Athos!! Athos!!" the said man halted in his steps and turned to where he could hear his name being yelled - he recognised the name instantly of course "what is it D'artagnan??". The young man stopped in front of his friend and nervously asked if he would help him train; this confused and surprised the musketeer "but I thought Kayley was the one who trains you??" he asked "why do you want me to train you as well??". D'artagnan sighed as he began to explain "she does, but Kayley is training me how to perfect what our father has already taught us" that made sense "but if I want to become better, I need to learn new things from someone else". Athos seemed to understand and, while he wouldn't admit it, was a little bit flattered as they were a multiple of people they both knew who could and would also help him - yet D'artagnan chose to ask him. "Alright, I'll help you" he smiled, earning a relieved grin from is friend "let's head back to the Garrison and we'll get started" D'artagnan was more than eager to do as told; they did just that and took some of the space from the cadets as they began their training. Kayley noticed this and called for the cadets to take a break; she rejoined the couple who had also taken note of their two friends new arrangement - they decided to tease the fourteen year old about it. "It appears Athos it training D'artagnan now" Aramis stated, his lover smirking as he looked over towards the teenager "is someone jealous??". Rolling her eyes, Kayley smiled "of course not" she stated truthfully "I'm glad my brother finally got the balls to ask Athos for help, god knows how much he admires him for his skill" she had seen, on a multiple of occasions, D'artagnan stare at the single friend when he duelled with his brother-in-arms during training.....and a few other times as well. But she pretended to not see those moments....for now at least.

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